Update Calendar Functionality (Q Mac)

A Brown
A Brown Member ✭✭✭
edited October 2023 in Product Enhancements

not sure if these used to be a feature in previous versions, however I would advocate for:

-having the option to view all transactions of that day in separate tab or having the ability to click in those dates to see the activity (not hovering). Total amount to reflect transaction amount and not total balance of accounts

-Bills to show when bills are scheduled or have been paid (it looks like the bills are more stemming from the transactions rather than the bill section). Bonus if this feature could be a RSS feed to your personal calendar since bills dates sometimes move due to weekend/holiday

-Show pay dates from the income tab

-differentiate, bills, income and other transactions

-show calendar by week, month, quarter. change start of the week to any other day that isn't Sunday.

3 votes

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  • Ava
    Ava Member ✭✭

    Additional feature I'd love to see (as someone who used Q for Windows for a really long time)…

    A Calendar option that will only show scheduled income and bill reminders; I don’t need or want to see all transactions. I want a clean list of all bills due and income planned. (The Q Windows calendar does this perfectly.)

    Quicken Windows user since 1998...Painfully still trying to convert to Quicken Mac since 2019