Set the intervals for certain banks to be updated during the one-step update process

It would be nice to be able to set the frequency of updates for certain financial institutions during the one step update process. For example, my mortgage company doesn't need to be updated everyday - only once a month. So it would be nice to configure the one-step update process to only poll my mortgage company at certain times of the month. I bring this up, because my mortgage company wants an MFA code every time I log in and its inconvenient to wait for the code, type it in, etc just to continue with the one-step update. I have several other accounts that are similar - auto loans, etc. Nothing is changing with them throughout the month so I really only need to update those every couple of weeks or monthly.

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  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    I understand the request, but my suggestion would be to simply not have your mortgage account or auto loan account connected for downloads at all. There's generally one monthly transaction in each such account, and you can do this (snd may already have it set up) via a manually-entered scheduled transaction. Then once every few months or at the end of the year, log onto your loan account(s) online and see if you need to make any minor adjustment(s) to the transactions in Quicken to reflect small discrepancies differences due to rounding/interest computations.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • I would really appreciate this capability!

    While true that it has historically never a big problem, over the last two years as more and more companies implement crappy 2FA/MFA security "features," it's now quite painful…

    I have 6 accounts between 3 different financial institutions that all have this problem. The suggestion to "only hook it up periodically" isn't practical, as at least one of those institutions disables "third party integrations" after 4 weeks of inactivity. I have to call them up to "re-enable" it on my accounts before setting downloads back up in Quicken.

    The idea that I would want to manually manage an account with adjustments as suggested is also undesirable. While there is transaction download capabilities, it is counter-intuitive to manually perform those tasks. I do manage several account manually, and would prefer to use the features and capabilities whenever possible. I find downloaded transactions are 100% more accurate than ones I manually manage…

    I'd much prefer the ability to set a maximum refresh frequency for an account. For instance, only refresh:

    • Once per day
    • Once per week
    • Once per month
    • Manually

    Then, when I hit the refresh button, it only performs the refresh on accounts where there hasn't been a refresh in the desired interval.

    I'm sure it sounds easier than really is, but I definitely want this feature.