Backup Process [Edited]
[Removed - Rant/Language]
Just some of the issues I've dealt with recently:
- If you just restore an old backup or open an old data file. You have to deal with the disaster left over that active Reminders creates.
- You can't copy transactions from one file to another.
- If you use the QIF format to export/import, that can't handle anything except simple transactions, No Splits, transfers, --PayCheck--. (other issues, anyone?) [Removed - Speculation]
- If you want to try the QFX "Quicken Transfer Format" [Removed - Rant] it's all or nothing. And it seems to miss-handle Categories. (That's just for starters.)
- If you strip the backup to avoid dealing with Investments, the QFX import creates all new accounts if there is an account of the same name present.
- Oh, and you thought you stripped all investments and securities? Guess again, some hidden type internal 'funds' are still present and cause a crash if you try to deal with that.
- If you are trying to reconstruct Closed accounts, say for historical reasons, You can't move transactions from the 'newly' created account to a Closed account.
- Investments, [Removed - Rant]. The small corrections I've attempted to make cause me to avoid trying to restore them at all costs. I just resort to reentry. (I must be very lucky to have avoided a real disaster for 20+ years.)
I'm no slouch when it comes to computers and I've just spent DAYS trying to reconstruct data that was messed up due to my miss-understanding about the consequences. (I apparently created an End of Year copy years ago, and years after that, attempted to undo what it did.) And this was just with Banking accounts.
Oh, and as I was trying various way to copy, export/import (QIF, QFX), and creating file copies to protect my main file. I smashed into a wall. If you create too many 'datasets', even if you don't sync your data in Q Cloud. WAM, you hit the 'Exceeded the number of Datasets' error. This means that you created too many entries in the online account and Quicken shuts down your ability to create ANY new files. [Removed - Rant]
wow - a good list of some of the AUTO things that really would be nice to "stop" from happening - just like the auto update & install -
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Yea, and this is only the experience I have had in the last month and a half. I'm sure there are many users out there that could tell much worse horror stories about the lack of a decent recovery mechanism.
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#Doctor Brown - It'd be ok to replace the rants, because we all would like to rant at the designers at Quicken, who often appear to not understand how finance works. For instance' it;s obvious that no one at Q has ever invested in a bond or CD.