Auto-adjust for splits exists for bill reminders; add the same thing for regular transactions too!

jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

Quicken Mac has a useful feature when editing the splits of a bill reminders (scheduled transactions), where you can click a button to tell Quicken where to apply any changes in the amounts of the total or split lines:

If you leave Auto-Adjust radio button on the Total line, as shown above, then adding or subtracting anything from any of the split lines will increase or decrease the total. If you instead set the Auto-Adjust radio button to one of the split lines, then any changes in amount for the other split lines or the total will be added to/subtracted from the selected split line. This prevents any change from auto-creating an Unapplied split and needing to manually add or subtract that amount to one of the other lines. Or, as in the example above, it allows deleting the Uncategorized split line and directing Quicken to apply that amount to the total or one of the other split lines. It's a useful feature.

But it only applies to scheduled transactions. Why? I would love to have this functionality on regular transactions with splits as well. If I have a scheduled transaction with a one time change in amount, I don't want to edit the scheduled transaction splits because it will need to be reverted next time — so I mark the bill paid and then edit the split to deal with the different amount. I want to have the Auto-Adjust functionality to be able to tell Quicken which split line to adjust when I simply delete the Uncategorized split.

Or… I have a QuickFill rule for Payee saved with two or more splits, and this time I make a purchase (or deposit), the amount is different than what is saved in the QuickFill rule. The transaction gets created, the QuickFill rule is applied, and an Uncategorized split line is created for the difference; I want to click on the one split line I want to change, press minus on the Uncategorized split, and be done (instead of having to manually add or subtract the remainder amount to the split line I want it applied to).

The code for Auto-adjust when editing split lines already exists for schedule transactions. This is a request to have the same functionality when editing non-scheduled transactions with split lines.

Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
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Please note that this feature also exists in QuickFill rules.