Express Web Connect+ needs multi-credential support, like other connection methods have.

As I love to say, if something's changed, something's changed, and I believe Express Web Connect+ is the culprit in this instance.

My wife has no interest in using Quicken to download her own account transactions, so she lets me put her credentials into my Quicken. Merrill Lynch and Venmo will happily support two sets credentials in One Step Update. Citibank used to, until they switched to Express Web Connect+ in late April.

We have some separate Citi accounts, and some joint ones. Using my Citi credentials, I can see our joint accounts and my personal accounts. Using her Citi credentials, I can see our joint accounts (redundantly) and her accounts.

In the before times, I could specify that Quicken should download all of the accounts under my creds, and only her Checking under her creds, so all of our accounts would download neatly and completely.

With the advent of Express Web Connect+, I have to authorize externally with Citi in a web browser where I specify which accounts Quicken can access. If, as before, I select all of the accounts I can access, it works great for me. But as when I try to link my wife's account with her creds in the web browser, and select just her Checking, that one account is suddenly all Quicken can—and wants to—see. It gives me warnings telling me all the other accounts I had already linked are now inaccessible and should be removed from One Step Update. And in the Manage my Passwords screen, I only see one entry for Citi, while Merrill and Venmo still show two each.

My workaround going forward will be to keep my creds and all the accounts I can see as the linked one, and then go into the Citi website with her creds and manually download her transactions daily or weekly as a .QFX file, turning the One Step Update into a Two Step Update.

Is there any technical limitation preventing Express Web Connect+ from supporting two logins with one Financial Institution, as the legacy connection methods still allow?

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  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    It isn't a limitation with Express Web Connect+. My wife and I have separate logins at Chase that work fine

    This is my website:
  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2024

    Same here with Bank of America - 2 logins with overlapping accounts works fine.

    Setup was a little tricky IIRC, I don't remember the details.

    QWin Premier subscription
  • itsamike
    itsamike Member ✭✭
    edited May 2024

    I pinged my BofA guy.

    "Not a clue. That's consumer stuff. BofA still uses white label Yodlee though so maybe that's how he's getting around it."

  • itsamike
    itsamike Member ✭✭

    Really. I'll have to see if Citi has a similar trick.

    I know a guy who works in the BofA backend. I'll see if he can shed any light that might work for Citi.


  • itsamike
    itsamike Member ✭✭

    Good news, everyone!

    It took a little while for my resourcefulness to kick in, but I knew that, in the Quicken/Intuit directory of Financial Institutions, Citi exists as both "Citibank" and "Citi Cards." They are essentially interchangeable and non-competitive.

    I've used this to my advantage before Express Web Connect+ was a thing, when the previous connection methods began to fail.

    Even though we have no Citi Credit Cards, I've successfully linked the accounts I can see using the Citi Cards authorization link, as well as my wife's using the Citibank authorization link.

    They both now peacefully coexist as before.

  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    Wow, that is interesting, I didn't think you could use Citi Cards for bank accounts. I do have a Citi Card (Costco) credit card and have that setup with Direct Connect.

    This is my website: