Making my transaction entry more accurate

skeleton567 Quicken Windows Other Member ✭✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in Product Enhancements

Many of my hundreds of securities in my historic list have names which are pretty long. This causes the popup list to contain many options. Especially when entering investment income transactions, dividends, interest, capital gains, etc it is easy to select an incorrect security and record an invalid transaction. One thing that could help would be if Q would look at my holdings when I'm entering the data and warn me if I am entering data for a security I do not CURRENTLY hold, i.e. number of shares is 0.00.

This could also apply to other transactions such as sales, etc of securities for which my share holdings are 0.00, or if I enter a sale for more shares than I own.

This would be a pretty quick, simple feature and would prevent having to find errors later.

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