Reports cash balance does not match register cash balance

Jack Johnston
Jack Johnston Member ✭✭
edited September 2018 in Investing (Windows)
Windows version, Quicken 2017, Premier, Version:R6, Build:
I have an issue when I run the investment Portfolio value report as my cash balance doesn’t match the transaction register cash balance, the transaction register cash balance is the correct balance. It is the same outage each month. $101.54 and I have a transaction in the account for this amount, I have deleted the transaction, changed the transaction, sold the security without any success in correcting the cash balance on the report, and it is always off the $101.54. Any help or ideas to try would be greatly appreciated.


  • UKR
    UKR SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018

    Could there be a Placeholder transaction lurking about in your investment account register?

    About Placeholders

    "N/A" in
    certain fields of an investment transaction indicates that you have
    Placeholder transactions in your account that need to be resolved.

    For more about
    Placeholders please go into Quicken Help (press the F1 key from anywhere in
    Quicken) and perform a Contents search for "placeholder".

    Alternatively or in
    addition to the above, read the first few articles found here:


  • Jack Johnston
    Jack Johnston Member ✭✭
    edited April 2017
    When I check the account the account for placeholder entires the message is "There are no placeholder entries in this account."
    This is a weird one, I wonder if there could be a hidden placeholder entry affecting the report that doesn't show up in my register for the account.
  • UKR
    UKR SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018

    Try to validate
    your Quicken data file. It may have become damaged over time or if you ever had
    crashes while running Quicken.

    Please run this procedure, skipping no steps:

    - Make a copy of your data file: Click File / File Operations / Copy.  Do not change any Copy Option settings. Save
    file under a new name in same folder as current Quicken data file.  (The Copy process appears to be performing a
    record-by-record copy of the data file and not just a simple binary image copy.
    This has been reported as recovering some otherwise not repairable

    - Open the copied file in Quicken.

    - Click File / File Operations / Validate and Repair. Click "Validate File" and "rebuild investing lots",
    check to make sure the copied file is being validated, click OK. Let it run.

    - Fix any errors logged as not repaired by Quicken.

    - Now close and restart Quicken using this new file and try your failing action
    again. If it works, keep using the new file and abandon the old one.

This discussion has been closed.