Securities Mismatch Error

Unknown Member
edited December 2018 in Investing (Windows)
I have a problem Quicken 2017 Rental Property Manager, Version R15.13.  Whenever I update my portfolio with my financial institution's (FI) downloaded .qfx file, I get a "Securities Comparison Mismatch" for all my securities.  The details of mismatches shows the differences as of 04/30/2018. However in the imported .qfx file, downloaded on 5/2/2018, has "<DTTRADE>20180501160000.000[-5:EST]" throughout the file for all transactions as well as <DTSETTLE>, and <DTPRICEASOF>, ALL A DAY LATER.  A search in the .qfx file has no "20180430..." dates anywhere. My FI transactions are always on the first business day of the month and I always import the .qfx file the day after when everything is posted.

The transactions in the register for this download are all dated "5/1/2018" which are correct, and share balances always agree with the FI website.  In the register, I changed the date of one transaction to "4/30/2018" and the mismatch for that security disappears. It is also interesting to note, each security's share change on 5/1 is exactly the share amount differences of the mismatch reported for 4/30.

The bug in the mismatch report is misinterpreting the balance "as of date", making it a day earlier.  If the as of date were 5/1/2018, I wouldn't have any mismatched balances.

Note: This conversation was created from a reply on: Why does Quicken report a Securities Comparison Mismatch after downloading a tran....


  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited October 2018
    The above post has been edited to give it context, and clarify some details.
  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018

    The above post has been edited to give it context, and clarify some details.

    What are you seeing for the positions <INVPOS>?

    Some Financial Institutions have been known mishandle the balance adjustments.  I suggest checking to see if the mismatch resolves itself on downloads over the next few days - do not accept any placeholders.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited May 2018

    The above post has been edited to give it context, and clarify some details.

    Each transaction in the <INVPOSLIST> is thus (ID's/amounts private):


    Normally I update once a month for retirement distribution, unless other reallocations occur.
  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018

    The above post has been edited to give it context, and clarify some details.

    Transactions appear in the transaction list <INVTRANSLIST>.
    Positions appear in the position list <INVPOSLIST>.

    The positions are the holding balances Quicken is comparing against.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited May 2018

    The above post has been edited to give it context, and clarify some details.

    Thank you. I just downloaded last night's .qfx file and imported. No transactions, but it updated quotes. No "Securities Comparison Mismatch" today. Tried to trigger it by adding a share to one of the transactions of 5/1, but it wouldn't come up.  I wanted to see if the "as of" date was off.
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