How to setup credit card bills as payments and not transfers in Quicken 2018 Mac Bills & Reminders

Lorne Johnson
Lorne Johnson Member ✭✭
In Quicken 2018 for Windows, if I setup a bill for a credit card payment from my checking account to go into the credit card account (credit card account is the category), it shows in the Bills & Income as a payment reminder.

In Quicken 2018 for Mac, it shows up as a transfer. 

How can I have it show up as a payment ('Mark as Paid") instead of a "Transfer".



  • Concordman
    Concordman Mac Beta Beta
    edited November 2018
    the money to pay the credit card bill is coming from the checking account, Yes?
  • SimonSezSo
    SimonSezSo Member ✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Instead of using a transfer reminder, use a bill reminder.  Then under category use the CC account.
  • Lorne Johnson
    Lorne Johnson Member ✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Yes, the money to pay the credit card is coming from the checking account. But I'm paying by check.

    In Quicken for Mac when I setup a Manual Bill Reminder, there is no option to choose transfer vs bill reminder. If use the credit card account as the category, it creates a transfer instead of a bill payment.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited November 2018

    Yes, the money to pay the credit card is coming from the checking account. But I'm paying by check.

    In Quicken for Mac when I setup a Manual Bill Reminder, there is no option to choose transfer vs bill reminder. If use the credit card account as the category, it creates a transfer instead of a bill payment.

    It is immaterial how you make the payment.  You are "transferring" the money from your checking account to your credit card account to pay off the bill.

    No matter how you do it, there will be two transactions, one in the checking account and another in the credit card account, which offset each other.

    The reason for using a transfer to create these two transactions is it lets Quicken know that the two transactions are connected, and at least in the Windows version if you select one of these transactions you can have Quicken go to the other matching transaction in the other register.  They are "linked".  It also "forces it to be right" when reconciling.  As in you can't have $122.33 in one account for this and $-123.32 in the other.

    If you don't want to do this just use a different category say "Pay Credit Card" and it would be bill reminder.

    Note in that this in fact might look strange to anyone that isn't use to double book accounting where they don't have transfers.

    Afterall think of what you are going to have to put into the credit card account for the payment.  It might look good to you that you have a "payment" in the checking account, but in the credit card account the category is going to be "income".

    And you better use the same categories for both otherwise the it might not be obvious that one offsets the other in the report/budget.
  • Lorne Johnson
    Lorne Johnson Member ✭✭
    edited November 2018

    Yes, the money to pay the credit card is coming from the checking account. But I'm paying by check.

    In Quicken for Mac when I setup a Manual Bill Reminder, there is no option to choose transfer vs bill reminder. If use the credit card account as the category, it creates a transfer instead of a bill payment.

    I understand that it's still a transfer. Quicken for Windows still does it as a transfer, but in the Bills & Income section, treats it like a bill that has to be paid and shows the Payee and the Quicken account to be paid.  By showing as a "transfer" on Mac Quicken, it shows the Payee and where the money is coming from. However, since I may have multiple payee's with the same name, I can't distinguish which account I'm paying unless I look at the details...
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited November 2018

    Yes, the money to pay the credit card is coming from the checking account. But I'm paying by check.

    In Quicken for Mac when I setup a Manual Bill Reminder, there is no option to choose transfer vs bill reminder. If use the credit card account as the category, it creates a transfer instead of a bill payment.

    Since I don't use Quicken Mac I can't be sure one way or another, but in fact this doesn't sound like an "how do is setup" question, but instead a "why can't Quicken Mac" display a given payment (which happens to be a transfer) "like this?" kind of question.
  • John_in_NC
    John_in_NC SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited November 2018

    Yes, the money to pay the credit card is coming from the checking account. But I'm paying by check.

    In Quicken for Mac when I setup a Manual Bill Reminder, there is no option to choose transfer vs bill reminder. If use the credit card account as the category, it creates a transfer instead of a bill payment.

    I suspect what will help you is if, when in the Bills and Income section, you click on "Projected Balances". This will show you are more traditional view of all your transactions across all accounts. (And it has a column showing which account.). You can setup your schedtransx there, and double click to mark them as Paid. How you pay the credit card is irrelevant. 

    These same transactions will also show in the individual respective registers where you could also pay them from there if desired.
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