How do I change from cash balance to security balance when viewing investment transactions on report

When I view investment reports, some show a security only value and others show a cash, security and total market value. How do I change what balance is showing?

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  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    If an account has a cash balance, i.e. the financial instution shows uninvested money as cash and not in a Settlement fund or sweep fund, you will see the cash balance.

    The total market value for an account should always be the sum of the securities value and the cash, if any.
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  • Wm Johnson
    Wm Johnson Member ✭✭
    My wife & I have the same funds. One of her funds shows a cash value while my same account shows a security, cash and total market value. If I want all the funds to show either a cash only value or a cash, security and total market value, how do I make that change for each fund? I don't recall while adding the accounts that I did something different that would result seeing different values.
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