How to repair an error in Cloud Sync?

One Step Update... Services updated reports "Errors during Quicken Cloud sync".
When I click on "View Errors", it opens a new window that reports an "Important" severity level error with the description "The desktop transaction in "" on "" for $0.00 was not synced. The referenced resource (parameter = accountid, id = 197565359699586304) does not exist."

Best Answer


  • Greg_the_Geek
    Greg_the_Geek SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Quicken Subscription HBRP - Windows 10
  • Robert Johnson
    After following the instructions in the article referenced above, I performed a One Step Update.

    The "Services updated" section of the One Step Update Summary included the message "Errors during Quicken Cloud sync", but did NOT include an option to "View errors". Instead, a new window appeared with the message "Quicken encountered a server-side error while syncing your data [HTTP-500]. Try again later. If the error persists, contact Quicken Support."

    I tried again later (twice) and the error persists. Can I assume that this thread constitutes a good faith attempt to "contact Quicken Support", or is there something else I need to do to escalate this issue?
  • Robert Johnson
    Thank you, Greg.
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