I have two securities that require adjusting

I have two securities that require manually adjusting value. After reading this forum I have tried unmatching them from online securities but they just match back up again the next time I download prices. Has anybody figured out how to permanently unmatch them so I don't have to keep deleting downloaded prices?


  • markus1957
    markus1957 SuperUser, Windows Beta Beta
    After unmatching, the next time you download should spawn a window asking whether the the securities should be matched.  Choose no and create a new one.

    If you have the wrong symbol (or name) assigned to the security, change it in security details, then try again.

    You haven't clearly described the issue; "adjusting" is a pretty broad term.  If you are talking about price, the only way you get the wrong one is to not have the correct symbol assigned.
  • azmccoys
    azmccoys Windows Beta Beta
    Thank you for answering. The security is an asset backed corporate bond and the price has to be adjusted down by a certain % depending on how long you hold it. I prefer to manually calculate the price and enter it at the end of each month but every time I unmatch it, it rematches the next time. I have never gotten a window asking if it should be matched...it just rematches and downloads again. The symbol and Cusips are correct...my current price (value) is not the market price.
  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2020
    If you don't want the prices to download, you should go to the Securities List and un-check Download Quotes for that security.
    QWin Premier subscription
  • azmccoys
    azmccoys Windows Beta Beta
    Yep, I've done that. Boxes are unchecked but prices still download every time. I don't want to delete the security and enter it as a new one without matching Cusip because I don't want to lose the history. I may just have to keep adjusting prices manually.
  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    If Download Quotes is un-checked, the incorrect prices must be coming from your financial institution. You would have to take that up with them. 
    QWin Premier subscription
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