error when downloading from AACU: Partial download (-28) CP_SERVER_ERROR:ccclient.203

What is causing this error message when I update/download from the American Airlines CU, image of message is attached

Best Answer


  • Jerry Byrum
    Jerry Byrum Member ✭✭
    Info omitted earlier.

    Quicken Mac 2020 Deluxe 5.15.0 (Build 515.32908.100)
    Mac OS X 10.15.3
  • Quicken_Natalie
    Quicken_Natalie Moderator mod
    Hello @Jerry Byrum,

    Thank you for providing the requested information and I apologize for the missing link.

    I have gone ahead and edited my initial response to include the link for the Support Article, which can also be accessed here:

    Please let us know if these steps help to resolve this matter for you!

    Thank you,

    Quicken Natalie

  • Jerry Byrum
    Jerry Byrum Member ✭✭
    Thank you Natalie. I tried updating again just now and everything seemed to work ok.
  • Jerry Byrum
    Jerry Byrum Member ✭✭
    I guess I spoke too soon as I still have a problem trying to connect to AAFCU. I tried the steps in the link you suggested but since it cannot connect it goes nowhere. the error message is attached. I have submitted it to Quicken Support.
  • Quicken_Natalie
    Quicken_Natalie Moderator mod
    Hello @Jerry Byrum,

    Thank you for following up with additional information, although I apologize that you're continuing to experience issues connecting with American Airlines Federal Credit Union in Quicken.

    If you don't mind me asking, how did you submit the information to Quicken Support? I don't see any recent interactions with Support, using the email address associated with your Community Account, and I want to be sure that you are able to properly pursue a resolution for this.

    If you have not already done so, I suggest contacting Support directly by either phone or chat, so that the appropriate troubleshooting pathway can be followed and this can potentially be escalated if it is unable to be resolved.

    Thank you,

    Quicken Natalie

  • Quicken_Natalie
    Quicken_Natalie Moderator mod
    Hello @Jerry Byrum,

    To follow-up,  it looks like you reported a problem through Quicken and we were able to find the submission and identify the error in your Logs as a 102 error.

    Please see the information and follow the steps that are available here to troubleshoot this.

    If the issue persists after completing these steps, I suggest contacting Support directly for a potential escalation, as mentioned above.

    Please let me know if you have any questions or if there is anything more that I or the Community can assist you with!

    -Quicken Natalie

  • Jerry Byrum
    Jerry Byrum Member ✭✭
    Thanks again for your response. I tried the steps in the ink you provided and I can get no further than the “Server communication error 203” as shown in the attached screenshot. I will give support a call to pass it on to them.
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