Account Bar missing category names in Banking, Investing, etc.

I recently applied the R26.23 version, and I noticed my Account Bar no longer lists the category names within Banking (e.g. Spending, Savings, Credit), Investing (e.g. Retirement), and Property & Debt (e.g. Asset, Liability). Instead, you just see lines separating the categories. I have looked through the various settings to see if I somehow clicked something I should not have, but I am not seeing it. Thoughts?

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  • GlennD
    GlennD Member ✭✭
    No, it is not the Account List I am thinking of. When I launched Quicken yesterday, I thought there was something different with how the Account Bar had looked... but I could not put my finger on it until I looked into it further. I am pretty dang'd sure the names are missing. I suppose I will just have to chalk it up as yet another "feature".
  • GlennD
    GlennD Member ✭✭
    My apologies... I guess I am losing my mind. I did a Google search, and there are images from years back that have the same thing. ::sigh::
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