Investor360 Errors (QWIN)
Quicken Jasmine, there seem to be multiple fires in Quicken with connectivity, both here with Investor360 and Nordstrom Card services (since Nov 24).
These issues are the opposite results for why we all use this product. I would encourage escalation as all users are stating the same analysis. Connectivity to each account via a browser with 2FA Is fine, but Quicken is failing.
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It appears my last successful transaction from Investory360 was on 1/10/2015; I have been getting errors since. This morning I tried resetting the account in Quicken, and that didn't succeed. Then I tried deactivating and reactivating: Quicken found the account(s), but then failed. "It is not your fault, but ours."
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My financial advisor checked with the Investor360 IT folks and they are aware of the issue and working on it with Quicken folks.
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Here's the latest from my Investor360 broker via the Investor tech support team:
"We did receive an update it appears that our team is applying a fix that will take effect on Tuesday. If your client would like to attempt to export on Tuesday it may be resolved.
I will update you once I have more information on Tuesday/Wednesday if this fix resolves this issue.
Please let me know if you have any questions in the interim."
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I too am having the same issue. Please resolve error OL-332-A with Invetor 360.
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I too am having the same issue and have been in contact with Investor360 and Quicken without resolution. I will continue to follow this thread in hopes we can download information soon.
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They missed this target for a fix, but they didn't say what time on Tuesday the fix would be!
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Yes, I checked on this also just now. Still no fix, but the day is young.
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@Mat Vega - Have you heard anything further from your broker? Or @Quicken - please provide an update!
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Still not fixed!
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Left a message with my broker to ask if she has heard from Investor360. Still not working, but the error message for me changed from 15500 to 16503 yesterday. Not sure what that means, but it might be the Investor tech team is trying something but not successfully. Will try again tomorrow.
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Just got a message from my broker. She said the Investor tech team asked if it's working now. I told her to let them know the error message has changed as I mentioned above.
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I get now a OL-292B error.
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I continue to have this issue. No clean update from Inv360 since early December.
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My Investment advisor had received information from Commonwealth/Investor 360 to try signing on again - I did so and still received the same OL - 332 - A error for only two of my accounts. I have a third that connects and downloads. Hopefully they can resolve this soon!
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now I am getting this error message when I try to download Investor 360. Is there an ETA as to when this will be fixed?
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It appears that Investor360 applied their updates yesterday, but still no joy today. Ugh!
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This issue is still unresolved! I have been unable to download since 1/10/25. They say mt credentials are incorrect, but I changed nothing.
Can you explain what is being done with Investor 360?
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OFX Error 16503 @Quicken - what is the update?
Not sure I will be renewing. This has happened with other connections in the past as well. It takes forever to get resolved! Do better…please!
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I have been unable to download transaction from Investor360 most of this month. I have disabled online services, and tried to re-activate but Quicken won't let me. I have no trouble signing in directly. This happened to me last November as well, and I lost some very important information.
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This morning I was able to re-activate my accounts and perform a successful download.
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The problem seems to be resolved now. Thanks!
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I confirm the same, it is working, thanks to all the folks in this thread for the communications and work from your sides.
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Maybe yours is working, but mine is still not. All I get is "An error has occurred" and no explanation.
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@sallyw , I had to do this: open your existing Quicken data file, deactivate the Investor360 accounts and then go in and do as if you are going to add them as new Quicken accounts (still in your existing data file). When it brings up the accounts with user name and password, click the "link to existing account in Quicken" for each account that is in your existing data file you are working with. After doing that, the error was gone for me.
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@MCO Mitch - I wish I had the same luck with deactivating and trying to re-add the accounts. Quicken does not recognize any of my accounts in Investor360 or Wealthscape. Now all are deactivated. Error still occurs.
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Cyndi Other steps I took was to report the error to Quicken through the "Report a problem…" link under the Help tab in Quicken and having my financial advisor contact Commonwealth/NFS technical support to report the problem on their end. They followed up with me requesting screenshots of the error messages I had received.
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I have been getting an OL-220 A error since Jan 11, 2025.I Have reactivated and unlinked the accounts and can not relink them.
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I have same issue with Wealthscape…no download possible and sometimes OL-332 error. PLEASE ESCALATE !. Thanks.
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Hello @Framer Inc,
Please create a new discussion for your comment about Wealthscape. Buried in this thread on Investor360, your comment is less likely to get the attention it needs. For information on creating a discussion, please see the post linked below:
For information on troubleshooting OL-332 errors, please see this article:
I hope this helps!
Quicken Kristina
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