after update, my share balances went to 0

Sherri42314 Member
edited August 2021 in Investing (Mac)
I just updated to Mac Deluxe Version 6.3.1. I downloaded transactions from my 401k, imported them and share balances for all the funds within are now set to zero. ARGH! Anyone else with same issue? Thoughts on best way to fix?


  • Quicken Francisco
    Quicken Francisco Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello @Sherri42314

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community regarding your issue, although I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues with your 401k. I have a couple of questions to start here. How do you download your transactions? Do you download them directly through Quicken or do you import the file from your bank then import it to Quicken? Is this the first time this has happened as well? What FI is having the issue? Have any other accounts had similar issues from this FI or was it just this particular account. All these should help us better identify what exactly could be causing the issue you're having.

    Once you get a chance please let us know more.  From there we'll better understand our next steps/options.


    Quicken Francisco

  • Hi. I download a QFX file and import it into Quicken. I have a couple other investment accounts, but have not downloaded any transactions for those since I did the upgrade. One other piece of info - there are 5 funds within the 401k, but only four had transactions in the most recent download. All four of those had # shares set to 0. The other one (with no transactions) seems normal - just a share price update.
  • Quicken Francisco
    Quicken Francisco Alumni ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for the update. I'm wondering where exactly the issue is then. It could be the program or it could be the QFX but to figure it out we'll want to see what happens importing in a test file. This will  give us a better idea of where it is. You should be able to create a test file by going across the top left to File > New > start from scratch > default categories > don't sync to mobile and web.

    Once you've done this you can exit the add account screen and import the QFX as you would normally. See if you have the same thing happen as your main file. Once you get the chance let us know how it goes and we'll see what our next step is.

    Quicken Francisco
  • Hi - I set up a brand new quicken file and imported the same download I had used previously. I get all the right share balances and market values. Not sure if that's a good sign or not, but it is what it is. Let me know what you suggest to do next. Thanks!
  • Quicken Francisco
    Quicken Francisco Alumni ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for the update. That is a good sign for us because it helps isolate the issue and now we know it wasn't the QFX that gave us the issue now. The next step I want to see is if we were to download the QFX again and import it if it updates the amounts properly again.

    If you need to get back to your main file you should be able to do so by going across the top to file > open recent > (File name). We should be able to switch then download a new file again. 

    Once you've imported it let us know if it remains the same. If it does we'll see what our next option is.

    Quicken Francisco
  • I tried that. No difference unfortunately.
  • Quicken Francisco
    Quicken Francisco Alumni ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for the update. I'm trying to think what else may work and I think one of our next steps could be trying to see if deactivating then importing the file may work. I'll leave steps on how to deactivate down below.

    Once you've deactivated we'll want to import the QFX one more time. Ideally it should update to the correct amounts but we'll see what exactly happens. 

    Once you get the chance to attempt this let us know if the amounts are updated properly.

    Quicken Francisco
  • Hi. I ended up trying something and it worked. Not sure why, but here's what I did. I deleted the transactions that posted in the most recent download which were from my most recent paycheck. I duplicated the ones from my prior paycheck , then edited the dates, # shares and share price to match the latest transactions. As soon as I duplicated the prior transactions, the balances were back to normal (except for fixing the exact amount, obviously). I just downloaded the transactions from Friday and it's working normally.

    As long as it's fixed, I'm happy. Hope this helps if anyone else has the same experience!

  • Quicken Francisco
    Quicken Francisco Alumni ✭✭✭✭

    I'm glad to hear that you were able to get it working! Thank you for letting us know how you were able to fix the issue you were having. If you do run into any issues in the future please let us know!

    Quicken Francisco
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