Add Ability to see Past Due Transactions on Dashboard Recent Transactions Card (Q Mac) [Edited]

edited October 2023 in Display/UI

Hello, I am a 20+ user of Quicken (MAC for the last ~7) and am so glad you are finally bringing the MAC version upto where the Windows was.

Your new feature of the Dashboard will be useful. But the ONE KEY THING it has lost from the Overview tab (which will be removed according to the warning) is the ability to see past due transactions. Please consider adding an additional drop down to the "Last 7,14,30,60,90 Days" a category of "PAST DUE".

I and I assume others use Quicken for all our reminders for manual transactions. This function of the Overview tab allowed me to make sure the manual checks or activities I have are not missed. This does not show up anywhere on the dashboard.

Thanks you for consideration.

3 votes

Reviewed · Last Updated


    MARKFUNDO Member ✭✭
    Follow-up, As I have worked with the Dashboard, it needs to show pending future transactions. Seeing all recent transactions is fine, but knowing which need to be addressed would be valuable. Look at the section on the Overview and provide the users the same ability would be great.