Download from Schwab treating capital gain reinvestments as interest

agb Member ✭✭
Wondering is anyone else is having this issue. Downloading short-term and long-term capital gain distribution reinvestments are downloading as interest reinvestments and then adding a separate transaction to purchase the additional reinvestment shares out of the cash account. I had to go in and manually fix these to treat them as they were treated before the whole Schwab download issue surfaced.


  • Bananabowl
    Bananabowl Member ✭✭
    Yes, I am having the same issue.
  • Bananabowl
    Bananabowl Member ✭✭
    A little more detail about the problem: Reinvest dividends works correctly (one transaction showing the dividends and the reinvested shares. Reinvest capital gains does not (2 transactions showing a Buy Shares and another one showing the capital gains but which seems coded incorrectly).
  • agb
    agb Member ✭✭
    Thanks Bananabowl - exactly what is happening to me. I hope Quicken folks have found this and are working on a solution as it's a royal pain to manually adjust these. Since the buy shares are erroneously being taken out of the cash component, results are not reflecting what is actually happening and balances are out of whack.
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