Budget Disappeared.



  • Member ✭✭✭✭
    You might want to read earlier in this thread. Quicken is working on this, perpetually griping is not adding to the solution.
  • Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2022
    [Removed - Rant]
  • Unknown
    edited August 2022
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  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    I wish Quicken would engage this discussion directly with a status and periodic updates.  Would take away the helpless feeling that may lead to "ranting/griping" if we heard from Quicken directly instead of community only theories and third-hand interactions with Quicken development.  Hope this is not considered a gripe and/or rant  :)
    Quicken User Since - 1991
  • Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2022
    [Removed - Off Topic/Speculation]
  • Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2022
    My previous comment might get deleted again (my sincere apologies to the moderators for being a pain), so here is some less words about WHY this problem persists and just another clue for us consumers to perhaps parse:

    I loaded a backup file, made by quicken a few days ago.  This file does in fact show my budgets.  So strange.  So the problem is not with the updated Quicken build itself not being able to read the budget data.  Instead, Quicken somehow goofed up my original data file AND neither the validation nor super validation are detecting the goof up, they find nothing wrong with the file missing the budgets.  Very odd the validation tools find nothing untoward, but maybe by design they never look at the budget.

    Also odd, is when I restored this backup file (the one that does still have the budgets), I saw the message that Quicken was syncing to the web, despite the fact that I have the sync turned off. 

    I have a backup program that runs every night, so I guess I'll get the Quicken file from just yesterday and work from there.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Dear Quicken;

    I continue to be plagued by frequent Loss of Budget. 
    Please, please explain this behavior. 

    a) I do work in Quicken.
    b) I ctrl-B a backup
    c) I then exit Quicken. 

    Next day I open the data file that I closed in action c).  The budget is gone.
    I restore the backup b) made immediately before exiting Quicken.   The budget is intact. 

    Why is it that Backup can restore a QDF but exiting Quicken apparently can't ? 

    So, now I backup right before exiting Q.
    Then next use I have to restore, validate and then use the file.  
    I don't get it.  If Q can save and open a Backup, why can't it save the QDF that is in use?
    Quicken for Windows since 1995
    Frequently loosing budgets since 2017
    Occasionally loosing budgest since 2012
  • Member ✭✭✭✭
    Note that several of us posting in this thread have also reported the weird, brief cloud synching message during restore even with all mobile/cloud options off. 
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Note that several of us posting in this thread have also reported the weird, brief cloud synching message during restore even with all mobile/cloud options off. 
    Yes, @mtn_living.  Not only syncing but Q routinely is asking me for my Quicken password, occasionally asking me for both my quicken ID and password.     I've had mobile sync turned off for years but still had a few accounts marked for syncing if sync was turned on.    I've recently removed all accounts from potentially syncing.  

    Here is my new, cumbersome, process for running Quicken until Q comes up with some fix that improves the condition. 

    • Start Quicken
    • when it asks for the data file password, hit cancel.  It then it takes you to a file selection to allow you to open a different file, cancel.    
    • File - validate and repair .   Select the file you were going to use.   Enter the data file password when prompted.   I am then asked to enter my Quicken ID password, X out of that.
    •    Validation then proceeds and I, so far, open a file with my budget intact.  Cumbersome, yes.
    Quicken for Windows since 1995
    Frequently loosing budgets since 2017
    Occasionally loosing budgest since 2012
  • Unknown
    edited August 2022
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  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Using R42.21 locally with Mobile & Web Sync: OFF. Windows 10Pro Ver:21H2, Build:19044.1889 on HP Envy laptop.

    Starting from the Planning tab with Budgets intact I have been manually importing Banking QFX files (including an occasional in the Separate Account group). If 'Activate One Step Update' popup window occurs during the import operation I select 'No, Do not activate...', then click the Close button. I then select one of the Bank Accounts with the flagged imported transaction(s) and Accept All. Then alternate back to the Planning tab to check if the Budget is intact. The process continues until all flagged Accounts with imported transactions are completed.

    At that point while on the Planning tab I do a Complete Backup.

    After that I run a One Step Update to collect my Investment Accounts data/transactions. Mainly this just updates prices with occasional transaction import that I process in the same fashion as the Bank Accounts above.

    So far no Budget loss since August 2nd.
  • Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2022
    Well.....after a long time since last budget loss, it hit me again today. Had worked in Quicken yesterday, backed up when done, budget all good yesterday.

    I opened program/file, did a one step update. Then within several credit card accounts accepted transactions, corrected a few. Did same in investment accounts. Checked Planning at end and dreaded "No budgetable accounts"

    Restored yesterday's backup, budget good. Did same sequence of steps except after I was done with each account's transactions I checked Planning to see if budget still good and then did a backup. At the end of this process, which was same as first time, budget was still fine. Very weird.

    Have sent along backups and notes to powers that be.
  • Unknown
    edited August 2022
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  • Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2022
    given that i backup nightly and have not yet been unable to retrieve a budget from a backup, and I check my budget each day, I haven’t lost more than a day of work nor have I had to rebuild budget. others seem not as fortunate in how this bug hits their files. i rarely pay bills electronically since i run virtually everything through credit cards for points or other automated payments. 
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    I will restore to my laptop later today to test budget integrity with that machine.

    Lately, I have not restored to PC due to fear of losing budget - and no reason to. However, I still backup frequently after visualizing and confirming presence of the budget prior to each backup. Lately x 2, Quicken has "closed unexpectedly" upon selecting the budget tab. Quicken immediately request an error report. I send the report and re-open Quicken and so far, budget has re-appeared. This is the only time Quicken has closed unexpectedly = selecting the Planning tab.
    Given mtn_living recent experience and my repeated unexpected closures, it seems budget stability problem persists.
  • Unknown
    edited August 2022
    jacklevis was warned for this.
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  • Unknown
    edited August 2022
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  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    > @mtn_living said:
    > Well.....after a long time since last budget loss, it hit me again today. Had worked in Quicken yesterday, backed up when done, budget all good yesterday.
    > I opened program/file, did a one step update. Then within several credit card accounts accepted transactions, corrected a few. Did same in investment accounts. Checked Planning at end and dreaded "No budgetable accounts"
    > Restored yesterday's backup, budget good. Did same sequence of steps except after I was done with each account's transactions I checked Planning to see if budget still good and then did a backup. At the end of this process, which was same as first time, budget was still fine. Very weird.
    > Have sent along backups and notes to powers that be.

    Same here. All was good yesterday. Did a one step update, Zillow update for Real Estate and some general transaction updates, then to Budget and it was gone. Was able to restore from yesterday, but very disappointing as things had been stable for a couple of weeks..
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    8-13-22, 16:11 EDT
    I am basically back to "Square 1" as originally posted, starting this blog on 6-15-22. Like mtn_living, I noted increased stability over the last couple weeks or so, though I was away from computers x 5 days. Budgets were persistently available after numerous backups.
    Now today, all budgets lost after my last backup, which was to be restored to my Laptop. I did nothing different with this backup other than change the date/time of backup.
    I have now gone back 4 backups over 2 days without being able to recover my budgets.
    I also note, contrary to the recent 1-2 weeks that the cloud backup sequence has also restarted, in spite of confirming in preferences that this is turned off on both my laptop and PC. Identical problem now on both computers - no budgets available after restoring 4 backups from past 2 days.
    Noteworthy: when I backup I visualize the budget, confirming its presence at the time of backup.
    I also note that upon opening Quicken, there is a VERY brief flash of a green line suggesting an update or download of some type. Noted this from time to time in the past and just figured it was an update.
    For now, I will keep going back and hope to find a file that will restore my budget - though I think the problem is in the software, not the backup file copy.
    REcall: In the past, I have been able to restore exactly the same file to my laptop which then showed my budgets, while the exact same file prompts the familiar pop-up saying the budget is not available, etc...
    For now, I will continue to try to find a file which will restore my budgets and notify the Quicken engineer that the problem persists - or has recurred with recent changes.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2022
    I have noted this before, but I am almost always able to run a budget report which is why I create a budget in the first place.  For some reason, it is when I go to the budget tab to view or edit the budget that it “disappears”.  For this reason, I minimize edits to the budgets so I can benefit from the budget reports.  Of course, I shouldn’t have to avoid accessing the actual budget, but this allows extended periods without budget loss, albeit with a budget that needs some updating.  I share this in case this approach could spare a degree of pain to some community members while we all await some news from Quicken that they are close to or have executed the long awaited solution.
    Quicken User Since - 1991
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    To CMRater
    Thanks for you suggestion. Are you able to produce a “budget report” even in the absence of the budget in the planning tab = when the pop up appears that budgets are unavailable, etc?
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    No I am not.  When I can’t access the budget, neither can I run budget reports.  Get some budget error message.  Very rarely do I first learn that no budgets exist when I run the budget report.  Almost always learn of budget loss when trying to access budget.  Hence, I only access budget when really necessary.  Of course I backup every few minutes after checking budget to ensure most recent data/transactions are preserved.  I seem to lose the budget much less often with this approach.
    Quicken User Since - 1991
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    My recent experience seems to be very similar to mtn_living. But: After trying to restore several backup files yesterday from the previous 4 days when budgets seemed stable I was unsuccessful. Gave up last night, turned off Quicken, went to bed. This AM, decided to try again. I opened Quicken which opened the file from 4 days ago, my last restore from last night. Again, no budget, as expected. "On a whim" I decided to try a Restore of my most recent working file from yesterday = the first one which lost the budget. Much to my surprise, the budget reappeared. So basically, I have lost nothing = I am back to my most recent file from yesterday with the budget showing.
    Now what do I do? Afraid of losing everything again, just with backups...
  • Member ✭✭✭✭
    Grasping at straws but:
    - have you updated to latest update of Windows 10 which includes some updates to .net framework
    - have you done a super validate on your file 
    - consider uninstalling then reinstalling Quicken
    - some of the behavior you have is quirky, have you done a check of your memory and storage on your PC recently? Not that this is related to budget loss itself but weird that turning things off then restarting and seeing different behavior is odd.
    - do an experimental backup and then restore it to a new file to see if budget maintained

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Well, after a few weeks of stability, back to square one. I've been losing the budget every session or two. This has been since the most recent updates that have been pushed out automatically. I have to restore from a previous and recreate all my entries, but at least it's only a session or two worth of manual updates to do.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2022
    tdreed, are you using 43.14?  I was wondering if anyone having this problem had downloaded yet and what there experience has been.  I will resist upgrading until I hear good news in that regard.  I am in no need or rush to get the insignificant improvements if it jeopardizes essential use of budget capability.  Looking forward to the day, we see Budget Disappearing in the "Fixed" section of an update.

    Interesting how we can go weeks with no issue, then software failure out of blue?
    Quicken User Since - 1991
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    I'm on 42.21 Build
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Latest update. I again lost the budget today. Everything was good, even had the budget "up" and then performed a full backup as I do every session. When the backup completed, received message that there was no budget available. Grrrrrrr
    I shut down Quicken and restarted. Again, budget was no longer there.
    Instead of restoring from yesterdays backup which I usually do, I selected the backup I had made just before the budget disappeared. After the restore, the usual synch to cloud we performed (I have synch turned off but it automatically happens when restoring). After the synch, the budget was now available and all my updates from the previous session were intact.
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  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Does anyone know how R43.12 affects the budget loss issue.  I am holding off installing as I seem to be holding my budget access.  Would appreciate your perspective.
    Quicken User Since - 1991
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