Bank Of America transactions are not downloading (edited)

Best Answer
Like I said, the most likely scenario is that the opening balance in that account has been changed by the total of those 3 transactions. All you need to do is deduct the total of those 3 transactions from the account's opening balance and you'll be golden
FrankxQuicken Home, Business & Rental Property - Windows 10-Home Version
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I just tried to use it using the latest update R45.11 Build and it's not downloading for me..0
Hi @ssohani,
If you haven't already, I suggest that you:
1) make a current backup copy of your Quicken datafile;
2) Open up the register for this account;
3) Use the "Ctrl+Shift+E" key combination to open up the "Account Details" window:
4) Click on the "Online Services" tab;
5) In the Online setup" box - click the "Reset Account" button.
Once the reset process is finished, if it doesn't actually complete the download process, I suggest that you re-try the download process.
Let me know how that goes.
Quicken Home, Business & Rental Property - Windows 10-Home Version
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I reset the account, it didn't download any transactions, however, it did update balance due0
Hi again @ssohani,
Do you have reason to expect that there were transactions that should have been downloaded, but were not? Have you looked at the credit card account online to determine that there WERE transactions that should have downloaded? If not, please do so and report back.
FrankxQuicken Home, Business & Rental Property - Windows 10-Home Version
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3 transactions since last successful download are there when I login to BOfA account. As I mentioned, previously it was showing old balance, now it shows correct balance (including missing trans amounts) without downloading transactions0
Hi again @ssohani,
Okay - so the "Online Balance" at the bottom of the register is correct, however the Ending balance" of the account register does not agree with the online balance. Do I have that right?
If so, I suggest that you manually enter those 3 transactions (because at this point it is doubtful that they will be downloaded - and even if they are, you can match them with your manual entries and move on).
Let me know if you have any follow-ups and how this works out.
FrankxQuicken Home, Business & Rental Property - Windows 10-Home Version
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Same issue for me. In another thread Quicken says they are aware of the issues and are working on a fix: -
Today it downloaded all the missing transactions but my closing balance is screwed up by those 3 transaction values. I am getting tired of all the issues with Quicken for past few months. There is always something going on1
Hi again @ssohani,
So, (a) did you take my advice above and manually enter those three transactions? If so, (b) did you also enter them again by accepted today's download?
If you did both (a) and (b), I assume that you would know that it would cause a problem, so I suspect that you only did one or the other, and not both.
Which makes me believe that Quicken adjusted the opening balance of this account (by the amount that the account is "screwed up" now) in an attempt to balance it. So I suggest that you fix it by putting the account's opening balance back to what it should be, and move on.
Let me know if you have any followups.
FrankxQuicken Home, Business & Rental Property - Windows 10-Home Version
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Yesterday I did not enter transactions manually. When I did a download today, all the transactions showed up and I accepted them. How do I fix the balance? Online balance matches on the BOfA account. Ending balance in the register is higher by those 3 trans0
Like I said, the most likely scenario is that the opening balance in that account has been changed by the total of those 3 transactions. All you need to do is deduct the total of those 3 transactions from the account's opening balance and you'll be golden
FrankxQuicken Home, Business & Rental Property - Windows 10-Home Version
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> @Misthios said:
> Same issue for me. In another thread Quicken says they are aware of the issues and are working on a fix:
I'm having the same issue with many of my accounts. It seems to be a known issue but no communication. So what do you do now. You fix it than the system will download duplicates when the bug is fixed.0 -
Here is what I did: I created an empty Quicken file with BOfA accounts and then tried download in it. It did work. Then I restored from a known backup where I knew BOfA download was working and then tried download and it did work. I did get one duplicate which I resolved by making an adjustment1