Make Auto-Sync-on-Exit truly automatic please

Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

Once upon a time, if you selected Auto-Sync to cloud on exit, the sync happened as expected. Somewhere along the development line a change was made such that now, selecting auto-sync on exit simply pops another window as you leave the program which asks again if you want to sync to the cloud. There is an option "don't ask again" that if selected, completely turns off auto-sync. The grammar leads a user to believe that auto-sync on exit means that it will happen automatically, not that we're going to be asked about it again, at every exit.

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  • Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    I may be wrong, but it's my understanding that "Backup and Sync on Exit" only get triggered when you quit Quicken Windows using the (used to be red) "X" icon at the upper right corner of the window.
    Other choices to exit Quicken may not run backup and sync.

    Which method do you use to quit Quicken?

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    If you set up Quicken Classic for Win to "Auto Sync on Exit" in the configuration options, it doesn't matter if you Exit through the drop-down menu or use the "X" in the top right corner, actions that follow are exactly the same. A window opens to ask if you wish to Sync before exit and you must select the option to do so or select the option to quit asking the question. If you select the option to quit asking the question, it turns off the "Auto Sync on Exit" feature and you must manually sync to the cloud from then on, or at least until you manually re-enable the option through the configuration options. Apparently, configuring to "Auto Sync on Exit" only turns on the "I'm going to ask you again" feature.


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