When viewing my portfolio the Price Day Change and Price Day Change% columns sometimes show as blank

I had the same problem! Here
is what I did to fix it: The problem was that my financial
institution (TD Ameritrade in this case) apparently uploaded two weird (placeholder?) transactions into my register for that particular security (in this case a
mutual fund). The original purchase of
the security was made in July. But
several months later, two unexplained transactions appear in my register:One was an "Added" transaction and one was "Removed."
However, the "Added"
transaction has blank fields (zero?) under “Number of shares,” and “Price paid,”
and “Total cost.”The "Remove" transaction has blank/zero “Number of
shares.”The memo on both reads: "INTERNAL TRANSFER BETWEEN
was apparently downloaded from TDAmeritrade during
a One-Step Update. Probably some
placeholder for a transaction within TD Ameritrade.I deleted these two transactions, and
the correct "Day Gain/Loss" numbers appear for every day!0