Portfolio Value no longer appears

LarryK Member ✭✭✭
edited June 2018 in Investing (Mac)
When clicking on the Investing Group in the sidebar, Portfolio Value Chart and Holdings no longer appear (red exclamation point). Then screen states "No holdings data available." (Mac 2017)


  • Steve97@
    Steve97@ Member ✭✭
    edited January 2017
    Same issue for me in Quicken 2017 Mac.  I click the Investing link in the side bar and the Portfolio view shows the message "No holdings data available. Please add an investment account or import data to generate graph and table." despite the fact that I have several accounts.  I have no problem seeing the Portfolio Value for each account, but the complete rollup throws that message.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited December 2016
    Hi...  I just posted. I am having the exact same issue.  I just started having this issue this week.
  • David Argust
    David Argust Member ✭✭
    edited November 2016
    I am having the same problem when I click on Investing or Retirement in the side bar.  It started when I tried to view the unrealized gains.  Some times the screen still does show the icons to change back to portfolio value, but the icon does not cause any change.  None of the other icons respond either expect to change to transaction view.  

    In my retirement accounts I do have the same security in multiple accounts.  I was wondering if this could be want is causing this bug to occur.
  • LarryK
    LarryK Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    As a follow-up.
    I have several Investing Accounts and this happens with only my Fidelity NetBenefits account. Other Fidelity accounts display Portfolio Value and Holdings.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited March 2017
    I fixed this by backing up the portfolio gragh date several years until a graph appeared. Then I moved the date forward one month at a time for a few years and the graphing now works!
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited December 2016
    r.murante said:

    I fixed this by backing up the portfolio gragh date several years until a graph appeared. Then I moved the date forward one month at a time for a few years and the graphing now works!

    Just tried this and it draws the graph up until a particular date (in my case 9/13/06) and then won't draw it after that date.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited December 2016
    Steve said:

    Same issue for me in Quicken 2017 Mac.  I click the Investing link in the side bar and the Portfolio view shows the message "No holdings data available. Please add an investment account or import data to generate graph and table." despite the fact that I have several accounts.  I have no problem seeing the Portfolio Value for each account, but the complete rollup throws that message.

    Me too.  I imported my file from Q2016 where the charts draw just fine, but in Q2017 the rollup chart won't draw.  So still using Q2016 and no value from my Q2017 investment.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited December 2016
    r.murante said:

    I fixed this by backing up the portfolio gragh date several years until a graph appeared. Then I moved the date forward one month at a time for a few years and the graphing now works!

    Did you try moving the date forward a little at a time? When I moved by year increments, it did not work? If you did move up by months or days and it didn't help,  maybe I just got lucky. 
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited December 2016
    r.murante said:

    I fixed this by backing up the portfolio gragh date several years until a graph appeared. Then I moved the date forward one month at a time for a few years and the graphing now works!

    Yes, I moved it by months until one month it wouldn't draw.  I then went back to the previous month and it did draw, so I moved forward day by day until the day it wouldn't draw.  It consistently won't draw after that date but will up until that date.  I re-entered all investment transactions for a few days either side, but no change.  It might have to do with an investment price, but since I have dozens of investments I am not eager to go look at each price for each security although that is probably what I will try next.  So oddly I can see the chart for the current period if I set the date back to before it stops drawing because the chart period is and independent choice from the date choice.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited December 2016
    r.murante said:

    I fixed this by backing up the portfolio gragh date several years until a graph appeared. Then I moved the date forward one month at a time for a few years and the graphing now works!

    I am sorry my method didn't help. It is strange that I didn't have to redo any transactions or prices. In my case, making no data changes, the issue must solely be with the program.  
  • LarryK
    LarryK Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    r.murante said:

    I fixed this by backing up the portfolio gragh date several years until a graph appeared. Then I moved the date forward one month at a time for a few years and the graphing now works!

    This worked for me and I seem to have resolved the issue. By moving the date back to a time when the data and graph appears, and then moving date forward, I found a bad transaction that I was able to fix which seemed to resolve the issue.
  • mshiggins
    mshiggins Quicken Windows 2017 SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    r.murante said:

    I fixed this by backing up the portfolio gragh date several years until a graph appeared. Then I moved the date forward one month at a time for a few years and the graphing now works!

    LarryK, was there anything obviously bad about the transaction? Or did it just happen to fall on that date?

    Quicken user since Q1999. Currently using QW2017.
    Questions? Check out the Quicken Windows FAQ list

  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited December 2016
    r.murante said:

    I fixed this by backing up the portfolio gragh date several years until a graph appeared. Then I moved the date forward one month at a time for a few years and the graphing now works!

    I have the same issue where I cannot see the portfolio graph or value from 14 August 2012 and forward.  The transactions are there, but the screen displays nothing.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited January 2017
    r.murante said:

    I fixed this by backing up the portfolio gragh date several years until a graph appeared. Then I moved the date forward one month at a time for a few years and the graphing now works!

    I have the same problem. I found the date that the view would show and then found where it stopped and there were some sell transactions for that date.  I tried to change the date and the problem moved to that new date. Changed it back to the original date and the problem is still there.  
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited January 2017
    Steve said:

    Same issue for me in Quicken 2017 Mac.  I click the Investing link in the side bar and the Portfolio view shows the message "No holdings data available. Please add an investment account or import data to generate graph and table." despite the fact that I have several accounts.  I have no problem seeing the Portfolio Value for each account, but the complete rollup throws that message.

    This problem seems to occur when you select the 'Unrealized Gains and Loses', once I selected this tab I receive this message, I can no longer see me my portfolio information. This was obviously not tested with the QA team. Really bad bug!!!
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited February 2017
    r.murante said:

    I fixed this by backing up the portfolio gragh date several years until a graph appeared. Then I moved the date forward one month at a time for a few years and the graphing now works!

    Robman669's observation that the problem seems to occur when you select the "Unrealized Gains and Loses" but not when you select "Portfolio Value" led me to use r.murante's technique of selecting a date in the past where the graph successfully draws, then on that date I changed the graph choice to "Portfolio Value" and then selected the current date and the graph draws and the securities are all listed!  I won't be selecting "Unrealized Gains and Loses" to avoid the problem recurring and obviously this is a significant bug that needs to be fixed to permit use of the analysis provided by using other than just Portfolio Value.
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