Portfolio X-Ray and BETA

The portfolio XRAY tool (Quicken in conjunction with Morningstar) is very helpful. How about adding Alpha and the Beta Coefficient?
The Beta Coefficient is a measure of the volatility, or systematic risk, of a security or a portfolio in comparison to the market as a whole. Morningstar offers extensive reporting on Alpha and Beta and this would be a meaningful complement to the Quicken Portfolio XRAY tool.
Having the Alpha and the Beta coefficient available across the entire portfolio, or segments, or individual accounts and securities would be ideal.
Can the community drum up support for this suggestion?
The Beta Coefficient is a measure of the volatility, or systematic risk, of a security or a portfolio in comparison to the market as a whole. Morningstar offers extensive reporting on Alpha and Beta and this would be a meaningful complement to the Quicken Portfolio XRAY tool.
Having the Alpha and the Beta coefficient available across the entire portfolio, or segments, or individual accounts and securities would be ideal.
Can the community drum up support for this suggestion?
Portfolio X-Ray is provided by our service provider, from Morningstar's tool.
Quicken has no mechanism for modifying this tool or data; only Morningstar can do that.
I recommend making your suggestion at Morningstar.com
For more info on this tool, please see http://www.morningstar.com/InvGlossary/portfolio-x-ray.aspx0
This discussion has been closed.