QWin 2015: Summary View Expenses Pie Chart and Show Full Graph of Same are Different

Pat Sills
Pat Sills Member ✭✭✭
QP 2015 R13 on Windows 10.  I have selected to have the graph Expenses show on My Summary View.  I have customized this graph.  My category Utilities does not show in the graph or table except as within Other.  This is incorrect.  Utilities is a large category and should be distinctly displayed.  Now I select Show Full Graph, and the resulting pie chart and table does distinctly show Utilities.  The large and small charts have the same total but the small pie chart incorrectly eliminates a large category.  This is a bug.


  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited July 2017
    Other in a pie chart means that there is more than one category included in that segment. 

    The percentage of your Utilities category is most likely less than the other categories that show...and is "commingled" with "other"categories.

    Expanding this will show what is in the "other" segment of the pie chart. 

    What happens when you click on the "Other" segment?  What shows in the pie chart?  What transactions are associated with that segment? 
  • Pat Sills
    Pat Sills Member ✭✭✭
    edited July 2017

    I understand exactly what you are saying but your assessment is incorrect.

    Both large and small pie chart show the largest ten categories and then everything else combined into Other.  My Utilities is the fifth largest category, and shows that way in the Show Full Graph display.  But in the small display it is not shown at all except as included in Other.  In any case, clicking on a small pie chart to Show Full Graph should display the identical chart - one large and one small.  It doesn't.

    This defect was documented by Quicken Generic User 3 years ago (Expenses pie chart on main screen . . .).   Others in that post confirmed the problem.  The conversation was closed without resolution.

    I just upgraded to QP 2017 and the problem persists.  BTW, I cannot see any differences between QP2015 and QP2017 except changing colors from primary to pastel!
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited December 2017
    I note the same problem. Even with my upgrade to Quicken 2018.  It's crazy that the two graphs are so different.  summary view of expenses is understated versus full graph/full view of expenses.  The latter is correct but what you see when you go to home is the summary (which is incorrect)
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited January 2018
    I am having the same problem which has existed since 2015 and still exists in QWin 2018.  My Home expense graph puts vacation expenses in Other.  If I click on "Show Full Graph" the expenses are correctly graphed.  
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited January 2018
    When will there be a solution to this glaring inconsistency and incorrect primary graph/correct full graph?
  • Lil Sey
    Lil Sey Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Problem still exists in Quicken year 2019 (Canadian Deluxe - version: R15.24, build: In my case it is the 2nd highest category (Utilities) is being included in "other" on the small graph but appears OK in the 'Show Full Graph'.
  • Lil Sey
    Lil Sey Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Note: New update to Version: R16.16, Build: does not correct this issue.
  • Lil Sey
    Lil Sey Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Problem persists into another year - now with Quicken R22.15 (Build - Canada. Once again it is the Utilities category that is added into 'Other' on the Expenses graph on my home page. When doing 'Show Full Graph' it corrects itself and becomes a separate 'piece' of the pie chart - as it should be.
This discussion has been closed.