How can I add an hourly rate to an invoice?

I want to create invoices to track hours worked for customers (self-employed).  Is there a way to do that?  Thanks!


  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018

    There is no function available in Quicken to create Timesheets for tracking of work performed every day on behalf of one or more customers and the use the captured data to create weekly invoices.

    You can track labor outside of Quicken and then, once a week, create an invoice from your timesheet (and optionally attach a copy of the timesheet to the printed invoice.)

    Create a predefined invoice line item, e.g. "Hourly Rate" as below


    Create an invoice for the customer.
    Every day add a new line for the hours worked on that day.


    Add today's date to the Description text.
    Change QTY to the number of hours worked, e.g. 2.75 (for 2 hrs 45 min)
    Save the invoice.
    Keep adding new line items every day until you are ready to finalize the invoice by printing and mailing it.

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