QM18 does not find my Canadian ETFs

Unknown Member
edited April 2018 in Investing (Mac)
Does anyone know how to get ETFs trading in Canada to be recognized by QM18?  If I use the TSE: prefix, QM knows no such stock.  If I omit the TSE:,  QM recognizes the ETF name, but does not search for the price history, nor update the prices. Since XIU is such a core holding for Canadians, they should work with it,


  • Quicken Harold
    Quicken Harold Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    Hello Stephen, appreciate your question.

    I have tried to replicate your issue in Quicken Mac 2018, but I was able to get the stock to work:


    Can you verify on your end?

    Please let us know so that we can proceed.

    ~ Quicken Harold.
    Quicken Harold
    Community Moderator
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited April 2018
    Not my experience
    1. image
    For XIU XMD, VGH VGG ZUB, CDZ I get the message "No matching securities"

    (Maybe you could lend me your computer :))

    What security name do you use?

  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited April 2018
    My. intuition was right.  It has something to do with the Security Name.  The Name I had given when I entered these purchases years ago does not match the official name Quicken seems to need.  I'll try another Security too and report.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited April 2018
    Yes I got it to work with XMD and ZUB and now others. When I erased the name I had given the security, QM filled in the official name and then found the prices.  However this does lead to another question:  

    QM now defines these ETFs as mutual funds which they are  not.  Also describes them as "mixed" which may or may not be the case but which is a very poor way of categorizing them.  I must say that I find the "Types "  and "Asset Class" to be very poorly thought out.  I have the Canadian version, and it refers to Canadian Stocks as International Stocks , which from my perspective is just plain wrong.  And then that stops me from classifying them as Large or Small Cap, which even tho that is not necessarily how I would want to look at them anyway, I lose that option.  Also no choice of Preferred Shares.  On my older Windows versions I could chose the categories that suited me.  So I set up CAN stocks, US stocks, EUR stocks preferreds ETFs, and REITS.   How about making that possible?  The ones available are one small step above useless, there being so little granularity.  
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited April 2018
    Below was correct, but now I'm not reproducing this issue.  

    Harold, With preferred shares there was a variant on the original problem. When I enter the preferred share symbol in the Security edit screen, QM places the company name of the common shares in the Security Name field.  So in many cases I have a preferred security and a common security with the same name. That is a problem because when I enter a dividend transaction in the register I have no way of telling telling QM how to distinguish which of my shares generated that dividend.

    When I originally gave a name to the preferred share, it rarely matched the official name so QM  couldn't find the symbol or prices.  When I let QM name the security  I end up with a duplicate security name if I already held the common stock, which occurs often in our smaller CAN markets .

    I have just discovered there is a work around. If I put in my own variant of the company (like Xco Pr series 5 4%) name and then ignore the ensuing "No matching security" error message it sometimes works, but it should be smoother
  • Quicken Harold
    Quicken Harold Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2018

    Not my experience

    1. image
    For XIU XMD, VGH VGG ZUB, CDZ I get the message "No matching securities"

    (Maybe you could lend me your computer :))

    What security name do you use?

    Hi Stephen, appreciate your response.

    Have you checked in the Securities menu (Window>Securities) and see if the security shows up here?

    This stock normally downloads from the Internet into Quicken.

    Being it's an iShares stock, there are many of those, so trying to search this way might be tough.

    Give these a try, and make sure that you are connected online so that the stock information can be indexed.

    ~ Quicken Harold.
    Quicken Harold
    Community Moderator
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