No income showing on budget

Unknown Member
I'm putting my first budget together, and I want to change the amount of income for next year (I anticipate a big cut for Jan-Feb-March, then back to normal in April) to see if cash flow remains positive.  But the budget only shows expenses.  How can I see budgeted income (and adjust it in future months)?  I never heard of a budget that only tracks actual versus budgeted expenses.  Using Quicken Deluxe 2018 build on a Windows 10 laptop.


  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    Do you currently have a budget that includes your income categories?
    If yes, to extend your current budget with all your income and expense categories simply extend the budget into next year.
    To do so, switch to the Annual View and then click the "[>]" button in the title line to extend the budget to 2019.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited January 2019
    (sigh)  I clicked on something that said let Quicken create my budget based on past history.  That budget has no income, though I have income categories (Social Security, paycheck).  When I can see income in the budget, then I'll worry about how to extend it into the future.  
  • Gilles Gagnon
    Gilles Gagnon Member ✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Hi ChattMatt,

    I had the same issue with My Personal incomes categories in Quicken 2019 for Windows Ver R15.24 Build Canadian version.
    To solve this issue I went to the "category list"
    Clicked to "Option" at the bottom of the windows
    Clicked "assign category groups"
    Clicked "Add/Rename custom groups"
    and deleted the group ''Revenus'' that I had created for my income. All my income are now in the default "Personal income group" and appear in my budget.
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