Security price wrong prior to split



  • nicholas.senedzu
    nicholas.senedzu Member ✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited December 2018
  • nicholas.senedzu
    nicholas.senedzu Member ✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Craig said:

    I am done with Simon until he trys it in Quicken for MAC. I did not upload the file when it happened . Quicken pulled it and it is a adjusted price file. The 10 to 1 split happened on August 9, 2018. The # of shares has to increase with the price decreasing by 10. This is not rocket science. It is a flaw in Quicken for MAC and not a problem for Quicken for Windows. 

    Craig I have to agree with you. There is a bug of some sort someplace within Quicken or the process that Quicken loads security prices. While this issue wasn't a show stopper for me it did cause me over an hour of work to update the pricing correctly as I hold many Fidelity securities across multiple accounts.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited December 2018
    Thanks. I worked on it for 5 hours and finally figured out how to upload a external price file that I changed to reflect the correct prices. I went back 6 years. If I had to change each one manually like Quicken suggested it would of taken 3 days. Now that I know how to do it it only takes 3 minutes. Good luck and I hope the next time there is a stock split Quicken fies it. Does Quicken monitor this board ? 
  • nicholas.senedzu
    nicholas.senedzu Member ✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Craig said:

    Thanks. I worked on it for 5 hours and finally figured out how to upload a external price file that I changed to reflect the correct prices. I went back 6 years. If I had to change each one manually like Quicken suggested it would of taken 3 days. Now that I know how to do it it only takes 3 minutes. Good luck and I hope the next time there is a stock split Quicken fies it. Does Quicken monitor this board ? 

    Can you share the info on how you uploaded an external price file?
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited December 2018
    Craig said:

    Thanks. I worked on it for 5 hours and finally figured out how to upload a external price file that I changed to reflect the correct prices. I went back 6 years. If I had to change each one manually like Quicken suggested it would of taken 3 days. Now that I know how to do it it only takes 3 minutes. Good luck and I hope the next time there is a stock split Quicken fies it. Does Quicken monitor this board ? 

    Here you go: I assume you have a MAC
    1. Look at the price file when you edit secutity in QMAC. Look at the prices that are incorrect. Mine for Fidelity was 8/9/2018 thru 11/29/13. 
    2. Go to Yahoo finance and look up the mutual fund you want and click historical data. Input the dates you want to change. 
    3. hit the download on the upper right side. It will download the file to downloads. Then click on it and it should come up in numbers. 
    4. Since you only care about the closing price you do not need to change the opening prices or any of the others. 
    5. In the closing price colunm E mutliple the opening price ie D2 @ times 10. It should show the price times 10. then highlight the entire E colunm below the E2 cell. 
    6. Then go to edit and clickh paste & match.. All the closing prices should be mutiplied by 10. 
    7. Go to file and export to csv file. 
    8. Go back to Qmac and the price file. on the bottom you have a choice of import a file. Click on it. Uncheck Update existing quotes. 
    9. Choose a file from you download folder on the MAc. Import it to Qmac and then you should be all set. 

    Good luck ! 
  • JamesDM
    JamesDM Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    Thanks for providing this information Craig. I just wanted to confirm that this problem still exists: Historical price data for dates PRIOR to a 10 for 1 split is sporadically incorrect. I found it very frustrating after I edited all the bad prices, going back some 5 years, AND turned off "Update existing quotes" that the next time I opened quicken (using the MacOS 5.11.2 version), the incorrect prices reappeared.

    Hope this is fixed sometime
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