Security not listed in Matching Security dialog

when downloading transactions from my broker, the Matching Security dialog pops up and it places the name of the security in the "No, add this new security in Quicken".. YET it's a common security (ticker symbol SPY) which I have many transactions. However, it's NOT listed in the section listing all my securities in the "Yes, this matches the security selected below". If I try to add it, the message says "You have an existing Quicken security with this name please enter a new name." I'm at a complete loss as to what to do!! Any help is appreciated.
You probably have the SPY security in your security list set with the Type = Market Index. Securities with Type = Market Index are not intended by Quicken to be bought, sold, or otherwise transacted. Change the Type to Stock or Mutual Fund (Stock is perhaps better), and I suspect your issue will go away;1
Also please check that the SPY security entry is NOT marked as "hidden".
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Thanks for the help.. I'll try the suggestions.0
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