Inadvertent control-S (Split Transaction) in Investing Register turned all transactions to MiscExp

Unknown Member
edited January 2019 in Investing (Windows)
Discovered by accident:  Inadvertently opening the split transaction window in an investment register corrupts the display.

REPRO:  I can reproduce this in a brand-new Quicken file using Quicken 2017 Premier R18.6 on Windows 10.  In an investing account with an opening balance and 2 buy transactions,
1) start a fourth transaction and enter "Sold"
2) tab to "Security" and press "Control-S" to bring up the Split window.
3) Press Cancel.
4) Press the Edit button.
WHAT I SAW:  All of my existing transactions changed from whatever type they were to "MiscExp" with no other information.  The Share Balance and Cash Balance columns remained populated with their original values, but the Security, Description, Investment Amount, Cash Amount, and other fields were blanked.
WHAT I EXPECTED TO SEE: Obviously not this!

Opening the Split window is not a typical action in an investment register.  I mistakenly opened a split window, intending to open the "Specify Lots" dialog of a sale transaction.

Hoping the corruption was not permanent, I immediately exited Quicken and restarted it, and my data appeared to be undamaged.  Recalling what I was doing, I created this repro scenario hoping that others might test this and that the Quicken folks might check it out...


  • mshiggins
    mshiggins Quicken Windows 2017 SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Thanks for posting the details to reproduce the issue.

    Quicken user since Q1999. Currently using QW2017.
    Questions? Check out the Quicken Windows FAQ list