is it necessary to save all the downloads when I close out of a daily activity:

ie Quicken OFX data: my downloads file is full of these downloads of quicken all with the same numbers but different dates. 

Best Answer

  • larryokcok
    larryokcok Member ✭✭
    Answer ✓
    thank you, i do have a neighborhood boy who is a geek, he will read your comments and help me from there.  again, thank you 


  • GeoffG
    GeoffG SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    What version of Quicken are you on?
  • UKR
    UKR SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    If you are talking about your Downloads Folder on your hard drive filling up with old downloaded QFX files ...
    Once you have imported a downloaded file into Quicken and the transactions appear in your register, you can delete the file(s).

    Did you configure your browser to immediately open Quicken when a -.QFX file is downloaded?
  • larryokcok
    larryokcok Member ✭✭
    Did you configure your browser to immediately open Quicken when a -.QFX file is downloaded?

    I am not really computer savey so I am not sure I know what you mean.

    Thank you for your reply as my download folder fills up with a lot of QFX files. They do show the dates so I am going to assume past dates can be deleted ?
  • UKR
    UKR SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Did you configure your browser to immediately open Quicken when a -.QFX file is downloaded?
    The exact configuration action to take would depend on the browser that you are using.
    In Firefox, for example, you go into Tools / Options and change or add a line for QFX files like the one shown below
    In other browsers there's a similar process.
    You also want to review File Associations in Windows Control Panel to make the same setting.
    Find someone in your circle of friends, family, etc. who can help you with that.
    And, yes, older .QFX files can be deleted.
  • larryokcok
    larryokcok Member ✭✭
    Answer ✓
    thank you, i do have a neighborhood boy who is a geek, he will read your comments and help me from there.  again, thank you 
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