Why does AMD stock not download quote ?
Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
Any thoughts on why AMD stock doesn't download a timely quote ?
I have 78 quotes downloaded, and AMD is the only one that tends to display this anomoly -
The "clock icon" shows that the quote is actually from yesterday, not today.
The "clock icon" shows that the quote is actually from yesterday, not today.
This is due to the fact that you are running Quicken on an Intel box.0
There was one year - and I can't remember if it was a yearly TurboTax install or Quicken upgrade = where the software would not install on a certain processor - I think it might have been an Intel Pentium II....The problem was that the "library" the program developers used was of course built for the latest and greatest, and used some CPU instructions that were not implemented on the P-II.... I've seen the same with some AMD vs Intel instruction sets - where very subtle differences would cause grief for software.0
Ah, the good ol' days.0