Getting this error is there a fix?

The account "Carol and Brian's chequing"  was not synced. Parameter institution loginid must be specified for this request.      What would my fix be?

Best Answer


  • Quicken Harold
    Quicken Harold Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    Hello beathorne. Appreciate your question and apologies for the inconvenience.

    The error which you are getting is because of an issue with the data that is being synchronized with the Quicken Cloud. 

    The only way of resolving this issue is to reset your Cloud data by removing the Cloud date file from your Quicken program. Which version of Quicken are you using? Are you running on a Windows machine or a Mac? (Windows: Click on Help and choose About Quicken | Mac: Click on the Quicken menu next to the Apple on the top left hand side the screen and choose "About Quicken.")

    Please let us know so that we can provide the necessary steps to resolve this issue. 

    Thank you in advance!
    ~ Quicken Harold.
    Quicken Harold
    Community Moderator
  • beathorne
    beathorne Member ✭✭
    thanks Harold for answering

    I am using Windows 10
    Quicken ver. R16.18
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