Need help changing to new version

Ravenstar2 Quicken Mac 2016 Member ✭✭
I have Quicken 2016 for the Mac and have used it for three years.  I recently got a notice that I had to purchase Quicken 2019 to continue using Quicken and downloading the info from my bank so I purchased the new one and now can't figure out how to transfer my old files into the new version.
The problem is that I have four checking accounts for separate sources/aspects of my income and expenses, so originally created four different Quicken usernames and passwords to access and download the different checking accounts.
I purchased the new Quicken download using one of my four username/passwords but need to be able to use the new Quicken for each of my four accounts and it only allows me to use the one account whose username/password I used for the download.  Is there a solution or work around?
I'm guessing I should have set up my original Quicken differently so that each bank account was a separate part of a single Quicken account but I couldn't figure out how to do that (still don't know how to do that) and don't know if I can correct it now.


  • Ravenstar2
    Ravenstar2 Quicken Mac 2016 Member ✭✭
    Thank you so much for your quick reply!  
    I think that's the problem (and frankly I didn't even understand the terminology, so thank you for the word "files"--I realized "accounts" would be the wrong word but didn't know what the right one was).  Yes, to work on my personal checking account, for example, I close everything, then pick the personal checking account out of the open recent menu, then type in the username/password I have for personal checking.  When I'm ready to do the checking account for work income, then I close the personal account (file?), go to open recent, and select the work account, then use the username/password I use for that one to open it.  I have two more checking accounts for different projects and again, I close the one I've just worked on and then open the next to work on it.  It's cumbersome, but I wanted to keep each of the checking accounts bookkeeping separate and didn't know how to achieve that.
    Thanks again,

  • Ravenstar2
    Ravenstar2 Quicken Mac 2016 Member ✭✭
    Thanks so much Rick,
    I finally got a chance to get back to it tonight and I now have all my files safely in the new 2019 Quicken, which looks very nice and I'm looking forward to working in it:-).  I really appreciate your help!
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