Can't download Coast Capital Savings accounts via Quicken Connect.

bfergii Quicken Canada Subscription Member
When I added my accounts, the only option was manual or Quicken Connect. An error came back after trying Quicken Connect saying the bank website was down. This has been the case since July 2019 apparently.


  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    In case of transaction download problems

    Please provide more details.

    What version and release of Quicken are you using? Click Help / About Quicken (Mac: Quicken / About Quicken) to determine year/version and release.  You must be on the latest release (patch) level for your supported Quicken version. If you're missing patches, update your software first.
    What version of Windows or Mac OS are you using?
    What error codes, error messages, symptoms do you get?
    What bank(s) are you having issues with?
    What account types (checking, savings, etc.) are you having issues with?
    Does this problem occur when you run One Step Update from your desktop or when you initiate a download using the Quicken Mobile App or Quicken on the Web?
    What have you tried so far to resolve the issue?

  • yScrappy
    yScrappy Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    Just to add to this since it appears to have gone stale, and, well, I'm having the same issue ...

    Quicken Delux ( Canada ) 2020 ... Version 5.13.3 ... Mac OS 10.15.1 ... Updated yesterday.

    This issue, I believe, is that Coast Capital has changed their web login method from asking for your 8 digit card number and PIN to making everyone setup an actual username / password to use ... not sure why they went this route, since its hard to find a good username, while card numbers are always unique ...

    below is what comes out of the 'copy to clipboard' option on the error screen, minus some stuff in the first section that shows personal info pertinent to me .. please feel free to email directly if needed for more secure deliver ...

    Note also that if I go into Options, I don't even have the option to upload Quicken file downloads ( ie. Web Connect ) ... its either Quicken Connect or 'Enter Transactions Manually' ...

    Thanks ...


    name: (null)
    email: (null)
    date: 2019-12-14 14:48:56 (America/Vancouver)
    date: 2019-12-14 22:48:56 (GMT)
    date: 2019-12-14 14:48:56 (PST)
    OS: 10.15.1
    Product: Quicken
    Version: 5.13.3
    Build: 513.30586.100
    Sync: Enabled
    Cloud status: 0
    Intuit user id: (null)
    Mint data set name: (null)
    Mint data set id: (null)
    < bunch of personal info removed >

    errors count: 1

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    error #1
    level: 4 (Debug = 0, Critical = 6)

    add account error

    Try again later.

    system description:
    institution login: can't setup (aggregator error)

    BID: 23775

    FI name: Coast Capital Savings BC

    "code" : 200,
    "resource" : {
    "status" : "UPDATED",
    "id" : "198869556130802944",
    "clientId" : "E26DCD52-FF0B-4191-95DF-52F27DBE2782",
    "pollingReference" : "\/institution-logins\/198869556130802944\/poll"

    poll response:
    "status" : "AGGREGATOR_IN_ERROR",
    "aggregators" : [
    "cpAggStatusDetail" : "URL. Stopping aggregation due to FI request",
    "isProcessing" : false,
    "aggStatus" : "FI_WEBSITE_UNAVAILABLE",
    "cpAggStatusCode" : "ccscrape.105"
    "institutionLoginId" : "198869556130802944",
    "isProcessing" : false

  • Manique
    Manique Quicken Mac Subscription Member
    I am having trouble too with Coast Capital and Quicken. It does seem to stem from the login not adding up. Has this been resolved? Please advice!
  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Manique said:
    I am having trouble too with Coast Capital and Quicken. It does seem to stem from the login not adding up. Has this been resolved? Please advice!

    What exact error code are you getting, @Manique ?
    And what do you mean by "login not adding up"?
    Please provide more details just like I requested in my original reply.
  • deanesfield
    deanesfield Quicken Canada Subscription Mac Beta, Canada Beta Beta
    edited 2020 04
    Most Canadian FIswill only permit downloading of transactions by Web-Connect and do not provide-Direct Connect capability. Direct Connect requires your login credentials and most Canadian FIs do not permit third party access to their accounts (this may be explicit in your terms and conditions).

    I use VanCity and have got use this issue and only use Web Connect, which involves your access through the website and manually downloading the individual QFX file (which can be imported into Quicken) for each account. This is a painless and secure procedure. Some Canadian banks have their own apps or processes, or US affiliates/branches and can offer direct connect through their US connection.

    I refer you to a previous thread here "One Step Update not working with PC Financial Canada" with an interesting posted answer from Quicken Tamara.

    This issue is not old and is an aggregation issue.

    (edited to include hyperlink for referenced Discussion] 
This discussion has been closed.