When I use the paycheck feature, only one of the deposits shows net salary

I have a split between 3 accounts for every paycheck. Let's say my paycheck (after all deductions) is $1000. My primary account gets 700, the next checking account gets 200 and the savings account gets $100 in a deposit. Only the 700 shows up in expected income as net salary. It is shown in the register of the other 2 accounts as a transfer from the Main account. It doesn't count the $300 as expected salary or on repots of spending vs income as income. The paycheck form is set up exactly as it should. How do I show this additional income?

Best Answer


  • cjworthing614
    cjworthing614 Quicken Windows 2017 Member ✭✭
    Thank you, I switched this over and it works!
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