Why am I no longer able to access and download transactions from Edward Jones accounts?

menne007 Quicken Mac Subscription Member
Using Quicken Deluxe 2020 Version 5.14.0 for macOS 10.15.2. When I recently changed my password for Edward Jones accounts, Quicken access was unsuccessful, even after updating the password in Quicken. Seems the url used by Quicken for Edward Jones accounts (http://www.edwardjones.com/en_US/index.html) is not valid.

Best Answer


  • John_in_NC
    John_in_NC Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    Edward Jones=Investments=Direct Connect connectivity.

    Your password is encrypted/stored within your Mac's System Keychain. That is where you will want to change it.

    Navigate to Applications:Utilities: KeyChain Access and run that program. You can locate the key there. Safely delete (or update) the key there. Once you delete, you will be prompted to enter the correct key the next time you update your Edward Jones accounts within Quicken.

    The Update Password option (for Direct Connect accounts) within Quicken will try to change, not update the stored password. (Not all banks support this.) That is why you will want to go to KeyChain Access.
  • menne007
    menne007 Quicken Mac Subscription Member
    John, thank you. Unfortunately, I am still unable to update Edward Jones accounts. I first deleted the KeyChain Access key as you recommended: no luck in Quicken. I then deleted the Edward Jones accounts and attempted to re-load them as new accounts: still no luck. I am inclined to think Quicken is not using the correct url to access EJ website.
  • menne007
    menne007 Quicken Mac Subscription Member
    I’ll try Quicken Support. Thank you!
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