Quicken won't allow 2 different Vanguard Target Retirement funds

timfiz Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
I have the Vanguard Institutional Target Retirement 2030 Fund (VTTWX) in one account and the Vanguard Advisor Target Retirement 2030 Fund (VTHRX) in another account. These are 2 different funds with different prices. Quicken forces both accounts to use one fund and I can't Edit the security to change each account to point to the correct fund. The last update I make to an account automatically changes the fund in the other account too.

How can I update the Quicken accounts to point to the right fund? Appreciate any help - thx.


  • GeoffG
    GeoffG Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    There is no limiting factor to having multiple securities in an investment account UNLESS it was not created correctly.

    I have multiple investments without issue.
  • q_lurker
    q_lurker Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    How long has this been going on?  When did you first set up these accounts in Quicken?

    Is your data entry to these two accounts solely from Vanguard downloads?

    Are you making deposits to these accounts from a paycheck or from other Quicken accounts?

    With the best case answers to those questions, I would have you recreate the accounts in Quicken.  The worst case answers might lead to much more manual editing of existing accounts and transactions.
  • timfiz
    timfiz Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Thx for response.
    It's not a problem of multiple securities in an acct; It's that these are in 2 separate accounts, but Quicken keeps forcing these accounts to use the same fund, when in fact the funds are different. I setup the funds correctly initially, but what I think happened is that the account custodian transferred the fund from Vanguard Institutional to Vanguard Advisor and when I applied this in Quicken this got both accounts instead of just one.

    See screenshot. The fund is listed 2x, but w/o the CUSPID. I'm thinking that's part of the problem. Any idea how to update that for a security?
  • q_lurker
    q_lurker Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    "what I think happened is that the account custodian transferred the fund from Vanguard Institutional to Vanguard Advisor "
    Your security list does not show an  Admiral Class 2030 fund; only the Institutional class (VTTWX) and Investor class (VTRHX), and maybe the unknown untickered VANG INST TR 2030.  That may just be a semantic difference -- Admiral vs Institutional. 

    I surmise you had two accounts; both with the original fund (VTTWX?) in them.  At some point, "the account custodian" was supposed to transfer the original holding in one account to the other class (VTTWX to VTHRX).  What happened in your Quicken file was that both sets switched.  Is that correct?

    "and when I applied this in Quicken this got both accounts instead of just one."

    How did you apply this in Quicken?  Normally for that type of exchange either a MF Conversion is used or a Corporate Acquisition is used.  Both those leave a trail od Remove Share and Add Share transactions.  In less frequent cases, a name change might be used.  The name change might not leave a trail.    
  • timfiz
    timfiz Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Yes - you're right in your assessment of what happened. This occurred a few mos ago and I'm a little fuzzy on how the conversion processed in Quicken. I scanned but don't see the Add or Remove txns unfortunately.

    However, I was able to just do Add and Remove txns in one account to correct the fund there and this did not impact the other account. This screwed up my cost basis for the fund in that account, but I can live with that.

    I think I'm good. Thx again for your help.
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