Have Quicken 2014 - I recently bought an upgraded Quicken. How do I add accounts

add another account to my Quicken? & I am using 2014 Quicken, I got a Q symbolism on my computer but it doesn't work.
I am using Union Bank in Tustin, Calif. for quite a few years & I do not have a security code
for my account.
Please help me getting the new Quicken working on my computer & help me get 2 accounts on Quicken.

Bill Berkowitz


  • Quicken_Julio
    Quicken_Julio Employee, Windows Beta, Mac Beta, Canada Beta mod
    Hi @Mygrumpyoldbear,

    Thanks for taking the time to post to our Community.

    I would like to gather some more information to better assist you:

    In the title of your Post you say "I recently bought an upgraded Quicken", are you referring to the 2020 version? I ask because you state in the Post itself that you are "using 2014 Quicken". Have you downloaded the new version from My Account on the Quicken website?

    Let's start there, assuming you upgraded to the subscription version of Quicken.

    1: Log into My Account at Quicken.com (Quicken.com > Sign In > My Account > enter your Quicken Id/email and Password.
    2. Once logged in, you will see a blue link that says Download for Windows. Click this link.

    3. Follow the prompts to install Quicken 2020.
    4. One Quicken has been installed/updated, you will be asked to Sign In with your Quicken ID. If you are using a file from your previous version of Quicken, conversions will also take place.

    Adding a bank account.
    1. Click on the "plus" sign towards the top left of your screen.

    2. Choose the type of Account you are trying to add.

    3. Search for your Financial Institution. In this case, Union Bank.

    4. Enter the same credentials your use to access your online banking with you bank.

    5. One you've entered your credentials, Quicken will look for your accounts with the bank and give you the option to add all or specific accounts.

    Please feel free to respond to this thread with any additional questions or concerns.
  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2020
    Have Quicken 2014 - I recently bought an upgraded Quicken. How do I add another account to my Quicken? & I am using 2014 Quicken, I got a Q symbolism on my computer but it doesn't work.
    I am using Union Bank in Tustin, Calif. for quite a few years & I do not have a security code
    for my account.
    Please help me getting the new Quicken working on my computer & help me get 2 accounts on Quicken.

    Bill Berkowitz
    You have mentioned several things - all in one posting....
    ! - Are you currently running Q 2014 - and have accounts working with it now ?
    2 - Where or how did you purchase an upgraded Quicken ?
    Have you actually installed this upgraded Quicken ?
    3 - In any case, adding Accounts to Quicken is the same - as mentioned above.
    4 - What is a "Q symbolism" - do you mean the "Q icon" - on your PC desktop ?
    5 - And you say that your "Q symbolism" doesn't work - what do you mean ?
    6 - Do you have your Union Bank defined in Quicken  - what is your question ?
    and what do you mean "do not have a security code for my account" ?
    SO..... You have listed SIX different items..... 

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