Quicken Easy Answers

For Court, fighting a corrupt HOA, I need proof of payments made in a particular category, paid to a singular entity/merchant or vendor. I have asked the question every way offered. I've tried using reports in tax category, P&L's, just to see if that would work. Yes, I do receive answers to all the questions asked but missing the crucial details - the substantiating information. If I click on the icon under the dollar amounts it takes me to a useless graph. This weird issue is not replicated anywhere else in any other report. I have saved and unsaved it, I've modified it, I've done everything possible to fix this issue. But in this Category paid to this vendor, I am unable to prove that I have paid these bills- downloaded from my Bank's Bill Pay/electronic payments, and on time since 2008. Earliest to date, year to date, custom dates, it doesn't matter - I cannot get this report to show subcategories; I know how to operate Reports and Graphs, I've used them for my former Business Tax Filing and for personal Taxes. Apparently this one area has been corrupted. What should I do ?

Best Answer


  • BostonHolly
    BostonHolly Member ✭✭
    P.S I now use Quicken Deluxe 2017 but upgrade whenever it's offered and check for updates every time I download from my bank.
  • BostonHolly
    BostonHolly Member ✭✭
    Great Idea, thanks ! Why didn't I think of that?! I've performed both operations in the past - helped a few years back when I got hacked, having absolutely zero access to my PC Quicken files but was able to access my back up files and saved myself that way. Thanks so much . Will let you know.
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