Import of security prices from Comma Delimited file - prices are not being updated

chall3809 Member ✭✭
edited April 2020 in Investing (Windows)
I'm trying to update prices for a list of cryptocurrencies using a Comma Delimited ASCII file and the prices are just not being updated. I've created each crypto with a Symbol and Name as type "Other" and have each one selected to Not Download Quotes. I've tried editing the file with both Excel and Notepad as either a comma delimited or just spaces between, ie:
BTC, 6935.25, 4/20/2020
BTC 6935.25 4/20/2020

Neither one works.

Any ideas?

Best Answer


  • chall3809
    chall3809 Member ✭✭
    Thanks Dan! For whatever reason after doing exactly the same things as I did yesterday - it worked today. Go figure...
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