Has anyone gotten the tax planner to work consistently?

KnnNike Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
This question is just what I mean...there are too many individual issues for me to post them all here. Periodically, the Tax Planner "forgets" either my income or my spouses income. Other times, it will spontaneously switch between using numbers based on scheduled entries and using numbers based on YTD daily averages. Sometimes it says I will end up owing tens of thousands in additional taxes, other times it says I'm getting a huge refund. Sometimes changes I make get saved, other times they don't, other times they save for a few days and then revert back to some previous value.

As it stands, this tool is completely unusable for me...since it will sometimes change numbers on me while I'm in-session, I can't even be confident in the figures it's giving me while i'm changing specific entry fields.

Is this just a uniquely bad experience I'm having? Has anyone had long-term success with the tax planner -- i.e., stable values, consistent saving of data? And why, with all of the updates Quicken has pushed out in the last 1-2 years, do almost none of these touch this tax planner tool?

Best Answer


  • markus1957
    markus1957 Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser, Windows Beta Beta
    I use it all the time.  It works great and is stable, producing solid projections.  Issues like you are having are usually associated with corruption in the data file, less often an installation issue.

    Running the File>File Operations>Copy routine along with Validate and Super-validate can help weed out the file corruption.  Sometimes if the corruption is in the scheduled reminders table, those routines may not solve the issue.  In that case, deleting all of the reminders and starting over works.  Make a copy of the data file first so you can revert to it if unsuccessful.
  • KnnNike
    KnnNike Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    this would be fine, except I semi-regularly run validate and super validate on my data files and never have any issues. I have no other 'weird' stuff happening for me in Quicken, other than the Tax Planner.

    I read somewhere on here once that the Tax Planner is programmed differently than many of the other features in Quicken...like, it uses some sort of legacy 'windowing' functionality where it runs almost like a separate program, and the results are 'windowed' into the main software UI. Is there any truth to this? I wonder if this could be at all related...
  • markus1957
    markus1957 Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser, Windows Beta Beta
    Yes, it is a legacy active X I believe.  I'd recommend the Copy routine if you haven't done that lately.  It's been running very smooth for me with lots of scheduled reminders in the mix.
  • jfclague
    jfclague Member ✭✭✭✭
    I use it all the time.  It works great and is stable, producing solid projections.  Issues like you are having are usually associated with corruption in the data file, less often an installation issue.

    Running the File>File Operations>Copy routine along with Validate and Super-validate can help weed out the file corruption.  Sometimes if the corruption is in the scheduled reminders table, those routines may not solve the issue.  In that case, deleting all of the reminders and starting over works.  Make a copy of the data file first so you can revert to it if unsuccessful.

    How do you delete all the reminders.

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