Bring back the quick report feature in the Payees window (Q Mac)

Tim W
Member ✭✭✭
Until the latest 15.6.1 update, the Payees window displayed next to each payee the number of transactions for that payee. Clicking on that number would then display those transactions; basically, a quick report for that payee. This was an extremely convenient feature that would be great to restore.
Best Answer
Also, if you want a Quick Report for the Payee, you don't even have to to go the Payee window. Select a transaction using that payee in the register, and right (control) click and choose "Report on xyz"
There are a few Quick Reports in that menu you might want to check out.6
Also, if you want a Quick Report for the Payee, you don't even have to to go the Payee window. Select a transaction using that payee in the register, and right (control) click and choose "Report on xyz"
There are a few Quick Reports in that menu you might want to check out.6
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