How do I restore my current data after opening a backup? (Q Mac 2007)

Quicken Mac Other Member
I use Quicken 2007 on a Mac Pro running Mojave iOS. I needed to open an old backup from an earlier version of Quicken to locate some transactions I could no longer see. Now I want to close that out and get back to my current data. How do I that? I was able to find a .qdfm file but the modification date was 5 months ago. Did I just lose years of data by opening the backup? I was merely opening, not importing, so I thought I was safe.


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  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited July 2020
    It is doubtful you lost any data, but you will have to correctly point Quicken to your correct data file. (I realize this is easier said then done, so please don't shoot the messenger.) 

    2007 is a rather old school program, so it doesn't have any "Open Recent" File menu option. Being that we don't know where your last file accessed was stored, you will have to find that yourself. It sound like it might be a case of trial and error opening files until you figure out what the correct file is. (We really have no way of knowing.)

    By default, files are stored in your Documents folder, but you could have changed this location. But, that is where I would start.
  • Quicken Mac Other Member
    Thanks, John. I was able to find my .qdfm file in Time Machine, but the checking account data stops on 2-17-20 and the file size is 9MB. Did I reach a file limit in Feb and the remaining data is in another file? If so, where do you suggest I look? I'm using the default Documents folder for the .qdfm. Thanks.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member, Employee ✭✭✭✭
    @510Levi - Did you check the modification date of the file you pulled from your backup? Perhaps it was a "backup of a backup file."

    One trick you might try is if you know the date (or a narrow range around the date) when you last used the file you could use spotlight to look for files modified and/or opened on that date.

    At any rate, I *can* tell you that QMac 2007 did not "span" across multiple files. All of your data would be in one qdfm file, and I can think of no scenario that would cause 5 months of data to disappear except that you opened an old backup.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    Hi again, 510Levi:

    As Dan pointed out, the file wouldn't get broken up, and I do agree it sounds like you are looking at backup files.

    One thing to note: don't look only for .qdfm files. This might not apply to you, but If you have used Quicken for a long time (as in brought your data forward from pre OS X versions of Quicken, you might not have the extension as the older versions didn't use them. So, your data file might be there and you are simply overlooking it. (Backup files would have the extension.)

    Again, this might not be the case, but I wanted to point that out.

  • Quicken Mac Other Member
    After a full day of stress and kicking myself I found my data. For some reason the file was in the old Quicken 2006 folder. There was a Data File showing up in Finder that I couldn't navigate to in Quicken, but there was a file called Business there (with no .qdfm extension) that I opened. To my surprise my latest data was there.
    Any suggestions on renaming and moving it? Thanks in advance!
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member, Employee ✭✭✭✭
    Excellent! Glad to hear you found it. I second John's suggestion that you corral your other files to avoid confusion (if you don't want to delete them, at least zip them up or move them to removable media so Quicken can't easily find them).
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