Bill Manager Payment Reschedule

Once a Bill Manager payment has been created for some future scheduled date, is it then possible to reschedule for sooner?

For a LONG time I have entered all my Bill Pay transactions into my checking account register during a day of bill paying once each month, but not immediately sent them. Once all the bills have been recorded in the register, I then find out from the register balance how much money I need to transfer into the checking account to cover all the bills to be paid.

Then I schedule with my financial institutions the necessary transfers, find out when those transfers will be completed, and THEN go back and change the dates of the Bill Pay payments in the Quicken register to be a couple days after the transfers will complete. Only THEN do I perform an update to send the Bill Pay entries to the Quicken Bill Pay service.

So... is there a way to get Bill Manager payment entries into the register using some arbitrary temporary future date so I can see how the checking account will balance out once all the payments are sent? Then I can use that balance to schedule with my financial institutions the necessary transfers, and then update the Bill Manager payments to a new date based on when the transfers will complete.


  • jrich75
    jrich75 Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2020
    Actually, I just show bill reminders 30 days in advance.  You can do this in the register using the gear on the upper right hand side and setting reminders to show in the register.  This way, you can see when the bills are scheduled to occur and how the register balance will be affected. 

    Quicken user since 1995
    Win11 Deluxe Subscription thru 2024

  • jrich75
    jrich75 Member ✭✭✭✭
    I should add that in order to have this work for a full month ahead with online bills payments I needed to unlink the reminders from the bills.  That way, paying a bill does not zero out the estimated payment that is shown in the reminder.  There are some previous posts about this bill manager issue and the projected balances graph.

    Quicken user since 1995
    Win11 Deluxe Subscription thru 2024

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