Payee Transaction Report Will Not Sort by Date

jess8887 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭
I created a custom Payee Transaction Report and filed the report for a specific Tag. After successfully creating the report, unless I'm doing something wrong, I cannot sort the report by the transaction date.

When I sort on the Date column (ascending or descending), the sort function has no impact on the transaction's Date column; it looks like it's sorting the Amount column.

I assume I should be able to sort the Payee Transaction report by Date column.

I attached a screenshot that shows both (^ or v) sort options on the Date column. As you can see, the transactions sequence never change regardless on the Data sort option. In the first screenshot (left), the sort option is descending and the last transaction on 8/2 for Nortwoods Candy should move up before the two 8/4 transaction. When I do an ascending Date sort, there's no change to the transaction Data column, but the Amount column do change to ascending order.


  • jess8887
    jess8887 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    @RickO, thank you. I would like to sort the report by date, but retain the format of the Payee report. I see it's not possible, so I'll poke around with some of the other reports. Hopefully, I can find one that may work a little better for my needs. Again, thank you for the information on how the Payee Transaction report is designed to sort by Payee.
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