Manual update of price in watch list has wrong date

Quicken Windows 2017 Member ✭✭
When I manually update the quote/price for an item in the Watch List the price gets associated with the security with the wrong date. It seems to be associated with the date that I opened Quicken, not the current date. For instance, I open Quicken on Friday and then update the price of an item on Tuesday, without closing Quicken in between, the new price gets entered with Friday's date, not Tuesday's date. If I enter the new price on the same day I opened Quicken the new price goes into the right date.
I have to manually update the price for the item I care about because it's a stock on a foreign exchange and I cannot figure out how to download its price automatically.
I have to manually update the price for the item I care about because it's a stock on a foreign exchange and I cannot figure out how to download its price automatically.
I'm not sure how you are updating or adding the new prices.
The best way to add prices manually is to click on the "Tools" button and select "Security List" then click on the security you want to update and that will bring up the "Security Detail View" Put your cursor in the price graph area and right click and in the popup select "Price History" to bring up the Price History table. From here you can add a price by clicking "New", you can edit a price by highlighting the price you want to edit and click "Edit" and you can delete a price by highlighting the price and clicking "Delete"
When you click "New" a window popups up that allows you to set the Date, Price, High, Low and Volume for that date. enter what ever you need in that window and click "OK" and the new pricing will be entered into the security's price table. If you have another day to enter, say you want to add a weeks worth of prices for that security, just press the "New" again and that entry window will popup again only now the date will be the last day you had entered.
But you say "I have to manually update the price for the item I care about because it's a stock on a foreign exchange and I cannot figure out how to download its price automatically." I too have foreign securities in a foreign account (Canadian securities in a Canadian account). Quicken does track securities in foreign exchanges. Have you tried looking it up your securities in Quicken using the ticker symbol? This would greatly reduce your effort for tracking prices. I know it does for me.0 -
I was simply clicking on the Quote/price field in the Watch List. The number shown can be edited. I thought changing the number was the same as providing the latest price. I guess I was wrong about that. I can update using the Securities path.
As best I can tell Quicken only tracks US and Canadian stocks. I cannot get it to recognize a stock from the London exchange (BAE Systems plc LN:BA - the US versions of BAE Systems plc that Quicken finds do not have the right prices).1 -
Well this is a bit of a long shot and depending on if you want to enter a series of historical prices but you can import historical pricing from a CSV file. The trick is to use something like Yahoo Finance to produce a CSV of the historical pricing for BA.L and then import that into Quicken. You should be able to find more information in the topic: "Importing security prices into quicken, with csv or ascii file" -
CoryM said:I was simply clicking on the Quote/price field in the Watch List. The number shown can be edited. I thought changing the number was the same as providing the latest price. I guess I was wrong about that. I can update using the Securities path.
As best I can tell Quicken only tracks US and Canadian stocks. I cannot get it to recognize a stock from the London exchange (BAE Systems plc LN:BA - the US versions of BAE Systems plc that Quicken finds do not have the right prices).
When in the Portfolio View / Watch List, what's the As of Date as shown in the title line of the view?If you keep Quicken open for several days in a row, I just don't know if Quicken automatically advances the As of Date at midnight or not ...For safety's sake, I always recommend that you close Quicken at end of day and let it create a backup of your data file, instead of keeping it running over night.2 -
I was looking at the Watch List as part of Home --> Main View. That view does not show an As Of date. However, thank you for your suggestion. I can see the as of date when I look under Investing --> Portfolio and it's clear there that I can change the price (and confirm the date of the price).0
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