How to add finance charge verbiage to an invoice

Quicken Windows Subscription Member
I am starting to use the Business and Rental Property Tools for an actual business but I am looking for a way to add a finance charge verbiage in the comment to the customer but I can not find how to set up a custom comment.
Best Answer
Messages to Customer can be added as part of the regular Create New Customer Invoice process. There's a field on the new Invoice data entry form for that purpose.To create a Finance Charge transaction for a customer use the New Finance Charge transaction.
To bring the Finance Charge to the customer's attention, create and mail Customer Statements.More information about these processes can be found in Quicken Help. To access Quicken Help, press the F1 key from anywhere in Quicken or click Help / Quicken Help. Some data entry forms also have blue question mark buttons, for form - specific help.5
Messages to Customer can be added as part of the regular Create New Customer Invoice process. There's a field on the new Invoice data entry form for that purpose.To create a Finance Charge transaction for a customer use the New Finance Charge transaction.
To bring the Finance Charge to the customer's attention, create and mail Customer Statements.More information about these processes can be found in Quicken Help. To access Quicken Help, press the F1 key from anywhere in Quicken or click Help / Quicken Help. Some data entry forms also have blue question mark buttons, for form - specific help.5
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