Account discrepancy as of 9/16

:/ Need some advice...starting on 9/16/2020, one of my investment accounts (an Ameriprise SEP IRA) suddenly jumped almost 25% according to Quicken! While I'd love to see that for real, when I look at the account on Ameriprise, it's still the amount I expected.
I thought there might be some temporary glitch in the values, so I let it go for a while. Well, it's now 9/22 and the Quicken value is still much higher than the Ameriprise's on-line balance.
How can I 'fix' this?
I have backups (I make a new backup every time I use Quicken), so I've been tempted to bring back a backup from prior to 9/16 and see if that'd help, but I don't know what would happen to entries I've made since that date.
Do I have to get a list of the actual investments from Ameriprise and manually match them all up with Quicken??? Not looking forward to that!

Best Answer

  • q_lurker
    q_lurker SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    Would it be correct to edit 1 of those splits to be a 1 for 4 split?
    Looks like a probable good attempt.  Might backup file first though it should also be easy to undo that attempt.    

    Now when I add CHYZX to my test file, I see a price jump of 4:1 from 2.92 on 7/31 to 11.72 on 8/7.  I don't know why that beginning of August jump is different than your mid-September jump.  

    Changing the 9/11 split will change your share count in the "Steve's IRA" account from 220- to 55- shares.  What is the 'right' number of shares?  It will change your total share count (all accounts) from 51,083 to 12,771.  That sounds right from your prior post.

    I was not able to find any definitive information on Columbia's website about the reverse split.     


  • volvogirl
    volvogirl SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Is the number of shares right?  If the number of shares is right you might have a price dated in the future or a wrong price listed for the current date. Edit the price history to check. Or even a transaction dated in the future.

    I'm staying on Quicken 2013 Premier for Windows.

  • Volvogirl, I'll have to check. This account is strictly a on-line account in that I don't enter anything by hand - I only use Quicken to download the info from Ameriprise! That's why I'm confused/surprised at the discrepancy.
  • q_lurker
    q_lurker SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have found that financial institution info downloaded into Quicken is not 100% reliable.  It pays to double check. 

    In the direction of share quantities, I'd be looking at possible recent stock splits.  There can be duplication in the form of both a StkSplt transactions and a Shares Added transaction (typically keep the StkSplt and delete a Shares Added).  Reinvested dividends are another place where duplication sometimes develops but would be unlikely to cause a 25% discrepancy.    
  • OK, I've compared my Quicken holdings with the actual on-line accounts and found some discrepancies! Now what do I do???
    I have 1 account showing 6800 shares of CLA and -6500 shares of CLY holdings! Obviously I made an error in entering the Class A holdings, and when the actual Class Y holdings were sold, I have a 'double entry'...How can I fix this? Quicken won't let me delete either saying that "it's been used in one or more transactions".

    Also, I have 2 other holdings that have incorrect shares (for instance, Quicken shows 50,000 shares, but Ameriprise only shows 12,700). How can I edit the # of shares in Quicken? I'd thought that Quicken would sync these up when it downloaded the Ameriprise account information.
  • UKR
    UKR SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    If you haven't done so already, I'd say it's time to call Quicken Support on the phone and request help.  Let them do a screen share session with you to review the situation on your computer. They should be able to talk you through entering the necessary corrections, e.g., delete duplicate transactions or enter missing ones.
    If you know someone in the circle of your family, friends, coworkers, etc., who you can trust and who has experience using Quicken, how about asking that person to help you instead.

    Quicken Support:

    • To contact Quicken Support, please use this link only:  and select Chat or Phone support.
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    • Unlike other so-called "Quicken support providers", the real Quicken Support is free for all currently supported versions.

  • q_lurker
    q_lurker SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    OK, I've compared my Quicken holdings with the actual on-line accounts and found some discrepancies! Now what do I do???
    I have 1 account showing 6800 shares of CLA and -6500 shares of CLY holdings! Obviously I made an error in entering the Class A holdings, and when the actual Class Y holdings were sold, I have a 'double entry'...How can I fix this? Quicken won't let me delete either saying that "it's been used in one or more transactions".

    Also, I have 2 other holdings that have incorrect shares (for instance, Quicken shows 50,000 shares, but Ameriprise only shows 12,700). How can I edit the # of shares in Quicken? I'd thought that Quicken would sync these up when it downloaded the Ameriprise account information.
    My first thought would be to edit the bad entries.  If you bought or sold one instead of the other, edit the transaction to reflect the proper security.  

    (for instance, Quicken shows 50,000 shares, but Ameriprise only shows 12,700). 

    What transactions build up to 50,000 shares?  Are sales missing?  Was there a reverse split? 

    The advice to contact support is fine, but you are still going to have to identify where and how the discrepancies exist.  Quicken does try to 'sync these up' when a new account is created.  Placeholders are suppose to accomplish that.  But it is not an error free, black box, perfect process.    

  • Steve Nelson
    Steve Nelson Member ✭✭
    edited September 2020
    Looking into this further, I see that the Price of this security jumped about 4x around the first of September (see attached screen shot)...Also, Quicken recorded a 1 for 1 stock split around this same time. It's looking like that should have been a 1 for 4 reverse split? Also confusing is that Quicken shows 2 1:1 splits on that same date. Would it be correct to edit 1 of those splits to be a 1 for 4 split?
  • q_lurker
    q_lurker SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    Would it be correct to edit 1 of those splits to be a 1 for 4 split?
    Looks like a probable good attempt.  Might backup file first though it should also be easy to undo that attempt.    

    Now when I add CHYZX to my test file, I see a price jump of 4:1 from 2.92 on 7/31 to 11.72 on 8/7.  I don't know why that beginning of August jump is different than your mid-September jump.  

    Changing the 9/11 split will change your share count in the "Steve's IRA" account from 220- to 55- shares.  What is the 'right' number of shares?  It will change your total share count (all accounts) from 51,083 to 12,771.  That sounds right from your prior post.

    I was not able to find any definitive information on Columbia's website about the reverse split.     
  • OK, after making a backup (which I did before I even looked further into this), I edited 1 of the 'splits' to a 1 for 4, and now my overall balance is back where I expected it to be :smile: Much Better!!!
    Thanks q_lurker.